GAFA: the European Parliament is about to impose new regulations

Heloise Goy with Laura Laplaud

The European Parliament vote on the Digital Services Act (DSA) is scheduled for Thursday 20 January. A vote that worries essential web platforms like Google and Amazon which could, if the law is passed, be imposed a series of new legal rules. A major challenge for Europe.

It is an acronym that symbolizes the future regulation of the digital space, the DSA, for Digital Services Act. Examined in plenary session on Wednesday by the European Parliament, it must be put to the vote on Thursday. On the program: to impose on web giants, such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (GAFA), a series of new legal rules aimed at regulating online content for European users, combating misinformation and protecting Internet users.

One objective: to moderate content

In other words, these are new regulations to deal with the omnipotence of the GAFAs. For users, this will mainly change one thing: targeted advertising on the Internet will now be regulated.

All major digital companies will have to provide at least one content recommendation system that is not based on each user’s profile. You may therefore come across ads that do not relate to your areas of interest. A blow for the GAFA which created their economic model on the basis of these targeted advertisements.

Comply with the rules or pay a fine

Moreover, if this bill is passed, search engines will have to share their algorithms with researchers to allow monitoring of their operation and to better understand the evolution of online risks. It’s a bit like asking a famous brand of soda to reveal its secret recipe.

A bill that is already worrying the digital giants. If this regulation comes into force, the GAFA must scrupulously respect the rules, under penalty of paying a fine of up to 6% of annual turnover.

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