Game 2 in the playoff final – Brunner’s deflector into luck: Biel scores 7.4 seconds before the end – Sport

  • EHC Biel wins game 2 of the playoff finals in the National League in front of their own annex against Geneva-Servette 3:2.
  • The winning goal came 7.4 seconds before the end of regular time. After just 108 seconds, the Seelanders are 2-0 up.
  • The 3rd game of the best-of-7 series is back on Tuesday in Geneva.

It should probably only be a relief attack by Biel to keep the disc away from their own zone. Because in game number 2 of the playoff final, it was 2:2 after Roger Karrer equalized in the 57th minute in Geneva, it seemed to be going to an overtime in this game.

But the people of Geneva reckoned without the two veterans Luca Cunti and Damien Brunner. The former ran into the zone almost to the baseline with the disc and simply brought the puck in the direction of the goal. And Brunner suspected this, held out his game device and steered the hard rubber over the shoulder of Geneva goalkeeper Robert Mayer into the goal.

Brunner’s feel-good story

Ironically, Brunner, whose participation in the playoff final was more than questionable. Because the injury he sustained in the quarter-final game number 4 against Bern was more serious. But a stay at Ambri-Piotta brought the miraculous healing within a very short time. 15 days after his failure, the Zurich player was available again for the Seeländer. A stroke of luck, as was also shown in the second game of the playoff final.

The game started as spectacularly as it ended:

It was a balanced game with chances for both sides. At Geneva, the absence of Sami Vatanen made itself felt. The Finnish defender, who also plays an important role in the power play, was not ready for action again in the second game. On Friday he had to leave the ice injured.

The home team was able to defend their lead until just before the end. Geneva’s equalizer should no longer affect the outcome of the game. Biel equalizes the series to 1:1. The 3rd game in the playoff final will take place in Geneva on Tuesday.

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