Game development suspended indefinitely

It has not escaped your notice, but the War in Ukraine is a terrible ordeal for countless people. Among them, the developers of STALKER who have to resolve to interrupt everything.

Ukraine is a country rich in video games, among them we can obviously mention GSC Game World to whom we owe the incredible Cossacks series but of course also STALKER 2. Recently, the said studio spoke on video for talk about the war that has been raging in the country since the Russian invasion.

A Terrible Ordeal and a Message

Initially the video is made to show the making-off of the motion capture within the game STALKER 2. But obviously, the essential subject arrives very quickly on the carpet:

Now, we strive to help our employees and their families survive. The development of the game has gone by the wayside. But we will definitely continue. After the victory…”

STALKER 2 suspended

Development is therefore completely suspended until an indefinite date. Normally scheduled for December 8 on PC and Xbox Series, we suspect that there is little chance of seeing the game released on this date. Because the war is bound to have a huge impact on all employees, regardless of the outcome.

We are obviously wholeheartedly with the studio employees and more broadly with the entire Ukrainian population. The video game seems very ridiculous all of a sudden to the idea of ​​a war and what an entire population must undergo.

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