Game news 700,000 players, 50 hours of play… All that just for a demo! PS5 players are already crazy about this exclusivity

Game news 700,000 players, 50 hours of play… All that just for a demo! PS5 players are already crazy about this exclusivity

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In general, playing the demo of a game is the best way to know whether you will enjoy the final product or not. Many studios have understood this, and major releases are often preceded by a trial version which offers one to two hours of playable content. Moreover, a recently released demo met with enormous success among fans, even surpassing that of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demo…

See Stellar Blade on Amazon

Fans are scrambling for this new IP

Despite the controversies surrounding SHIFT UP Corporation and the choices of the developers regarding the design of the female characters of Stellar Blade – and especially Eveits main character – anticipation is at its height for the release of the next exclusive PlayStation 5. In fact, there are only two weeks to wait before the launch of the new IP of Shift Upand the community that has been created in recent months seems eager to embark on this new adventure if we judge the impressive number of pre-orders.

Fortunately, thanks to the demo available for free on the PlayStation Store since March 29, 2024, the most impatient players can pass the time by familiarizing themselves with the controls of Eve, meeting some of the secondary characters, and discovering a few flashbacks while resting at each camp. Moreover, only two weeks after its release, the demo seems to have convinced a lot of players, since it surpassed that of another very popular game launched earlier this year…

A frightening success for the Stellar Blade demo

While the official release of Stellar Blade has never been so close, its demo seems to have been unanimously appreciated by the players. According to Ampere Analysisthe demo of Stellar Blade would have reached peaks in terms of popularity, since it brought together no less than 690,000 daily active playersagainst a maximum of 380,000 players for the demo of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth in February. Such success for a new IP is quite a good sign, and the developers of Shift Up seem delighted, even if the enthusiasm of some fans sends shivers down their spines, as we saw on Twitter (or X):

The developers are “very grateful for the fans’ love for the game”, but they would like “players to take it easy with the demo”, as some have reportedly exceeded the 50 hours of gameplay, which scares them a little. If you haven’t tried this demo yet, know that it has a lifespan of approximately one hour to one and a half hours on normal difficulty, managing to total around fifty hours of play is therefore rather surprising in view of the content. Who knows ? Maybe the final boss gave the player who holds this record a lot of trouble…

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