Game news A collector wanted to buy the very first PlayStation and nothing suggested that he would receive this video game console instead…

Game news A collector wanted to buy the very first PlayStation and nothing suggested that he would receive this video game console instead…

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It’s not always easy to complete a collection of retrogaming objects. Some choose to travel a few kilometers or walk for several hours to find the right deal. Others, on the contrary, move the whole web to save time, even if it means taking risks, and this is what happened with the friend of this player who posted on Reddit what was hidden in the package he had just ordered.

Flea markets, a bargain sometimes less risky than online purchases when it comes to retrogaming

As time passes, there are objects linked to the video game industry that can increase in value enormously. It is for this reason in particular that more and more players are scouring flea markets, rederies and other garage sales in search of that rare pearl or precious copies to complete their collection. Casually, there are sometimes sacred treasures lying dormant in the garages and basements of certain families. Very often, we come across improbable stories in which individuals unknowingly throw away a lot of loot, like this American mother who got rid of a collection estimated at $500,000.

As a result, flea markets are now particularly popular, even if you need to have a keen eye to spot the rarest and best preserved objects. Not so long ago, a player proved to us that we could come away with a nice jackpot by spending only a hundred dollars. Conversely, other players are much more willing to take risks and tempt the devil, in particular by using transaction sites on the Internet. While he thought he had scored a golden deal on the eBay platform, receiving the package, supposed to contain a PlayStation 1, proved him wrong.

PS1 video game consoles like this, we haven’t seen them often!

Recently, on the Reddit community site, and more precisely on the /videogames subreddit, user ComfortableAmount993 shared a photo of a strange console. As he explains, one of his friends had gone to eBay a few days earlier in the hope of finding a seller willing to let go a PlayStation, the first of the name, for a handful of dollars. The problem, upon arrival, was that he did not receive the home console in question and that he got something unimaginable ! It is true that there is a world where PlayStation and Nintendo could have collaborated together on a console, but it would never have produced such a result.

As we can see from the photo shared by ComfortableAmount993 in his post on the /videogames subreddit, his friend actually received a completely different console, somewhat… colorful. Behind the felt pen strokes and the improvised logos, we notice that it is nothing more and nothing less than a Nintendo Entertainment System machine, more commonly called NES or Famicom (in Japan). In any case, not sure if this is a limited edition copy or a special editionbut it had the merit of making the Internet users who passed by there laugh and of teaching ComfortableAmount993’s friend that one must be careful with retrogaming.

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