Game news After more than 100 hours on The Witcher 3, he discovered that he missed out on this excellent mod that would have changed his life

Game news After more than 100 hours on The Witcher 3, he discovered that he missed out on this excellent mod that would have changed his life

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A player discovers an incredible mod after spending more than 100 hours on The Witcher 3. It fixes the majority of bugs and even restores cut scenes from the game!

It was while watching a YouTube video that Ted Letchfield, a journalist for PC Gaminghas just discovered a mod that he would have liked to discover much earlier: Brothers in Arms. This is actually an unofficial patch fixing over 5,400 bugs of all kinds and restoring unused game assets in one of his favorite games.

Discover The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on Xbox Series

A mod that removes bugs and adds content

If The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is perfectly playable and is still a video game monument today, this one is riddled with bugs and small forgotten elements, next to which an average player would easily pass. But Brothers in Armsa mod, addresses these errors. It fixes missing texts or with forgotten typos, various witcher sense artifacts from already completed quests or even simple graphical errors. But that’s not all : it also unearths forgotten and/or unused files.

In fact, with this mod restores various minor contents and cut from the original game, but still available in its internal memory. Various NPCs are therefore provided with real lines and dialogue choices, and even names. Ted then explains that Talar’s character is, using Brothers in Arms, equipped with dialogue options that truly connect it to the quest “A Frying Pan”found in Blanchefleur and to which it seems to be intimately linked.

The Return of Ugly Armor

In addition to the myriad of texts and dialogues returned thanks to the mod, many items originally set aside become available again. Ted takes the example of Skellige Gambisson, light armor with a vaguely Bavarian pattern in white and blue diamonds. Considered particularly gruesome, it was once retextured to become entirely green, much to the dismay of its many fans. Brothers in Arms allows you to regain the original appearance of the garment, doing justice to the game’s artists.

But in addition to objects/textures removed after release, the mod also offers the possibility of finding elements that were indeed planned, but never released. Indeed, hold on tight, Geralt can now eat peppers. These were present in the game’s memory, but never made consumable. They also find their health recovery statistics rather honest, serving as a good substitute in case you forget the swallow potion.

Brothers in Arms represents the culmination of what could be the best version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, without any malfunction and always more content. Its last opus published almost nine years ago, if you miss the world of the witcher, Netflix is ​​currently preparing the 4th season of the eponymous series, always seeking to get closer to the video game material via various references to make pleasure for the players.

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