Game News Are you waiting for DLC for Baldur’s Gate 3? The boss of Larian Studios is obviously one step ahead since he is already on the concept of a new project

Game news Are you waiting for DLC for Baldur’s Gate 3? The boss of Larian Studios is obviously one step ahead since he is already on the concept of a new project

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Game of the year 2023, is Baldur’s Gate 3 a project already completed for Larian Studio? Hard to say. In any case, his boss Sven Vicke is not resting on his Game Awards laurels and seems to have already completed the first part of his next project.

Act 1 found for Larian Studio’s next project

After winning six awards for eight nominations, one would have thought that the studio behind Baldur’s Gate 3 was taking a legitimate rest. But no! This is what Sven Vicke, boss of Larian Studio, already behind a new project, suggests. Two days ago, he declared this on the social network X:

The morning was excellent! After 4 months of rewriting and rewriting and discarding ideas and then revisiting them, I finally figured out what Act 1 of this thing I’m working on should be. Alert me when it’s revealed to see how many of my drafts from today survive. I think there will be many…

He specifies that one of the things he has learned in recent years and that the work is to abandon your ideas several times, to come back to them… That the drafts put aside are never really lost. He adds that it can be really frustrating (not achieving what you want) but the important thing is to never give up.even if the situation seems hopeless”.

See Baldur’s Gate 3 on GOG


Inevitably, such comments trigger theories among Larian enthusiasts. What could this new project headed by the Belgian studio be? If some would like to see an adaptation of the Star Wars universe with Baldur’s Gate 3 style (as evidenced by this article from our colleagues at PC Gaming), others will remember what this same Sven Vicke said in October about the idea of ​​making an expansion for BG 3:

Honestly, we haven’t started working on an expansion. I know what we want to do, and the team also knows what direction we are going. We’ll see where this takes us. But that wouldn’t be for a very long time.

For the moment, therefore, it is impossible to know what this project on which Larian Studio is working on is about. Besides the fact that it could be abandoned along the way in favor of another idea, you will have to be at least patient before having news of its next production.

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