Game News Blizzard is finally listening to WoW Classic players! The rest of this new version is a dream for fans

Game news Blizzard is finally listening to WoW Classic players! The rest of this new version is a dream for fans

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The North American company has not forgotten its most nostalgic players! This Classic version benefits from new features that are pleasing to say the least.

During BlizzCon which took place at the beginning of November, World of Warcraft fans did not expect the company to announce so much content. Three expansions have been announced to follow on from Dragonflight, which is still in progress, in order to affirm that even if this MMORPG will soon celebrate its 20th anniversary, it has not given its last word. Those who prefer the Classic version have also been spoiled with the arrival of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic, but also with an unexpected new feature. Blizzard has announced a new version that is very close to the “Wow Classic+” that some players want. In other words, it is a slightly modified version of the base game released in 2004 (2005 in Europe) called “the season of discovery”.

A real success when the servers opened at the end of November, Blizzard clearly hit the nail on the head with this new content. Players from all over the world were able to rediscover their favorite version of the game with new spells, new quests, a new raid and PvP zone. This first phase was therefore a real success, despite some disappointments during the adventure. However, the firm seems to have fully taken into account the players’ feedback since the second phase, which will arrive in a week, includes many changes in line with fans’ demands.

Phase 2 of the season of discovery promises to be innovative

So it was on Monday, January 30 that Blizzard announced the new features they are planning for phase 2 of the Season of Discovery. On the program, new runes, a well-known dungeon rebuilt as a raid and an innovative player versus player event. The developers of this experimental version of the famous MMOPRG have not lacked ideas to breathe new life into the old world of Azeroth. The new runes allow you to obtain new abilities specific to each class, allowing a new burst of creativity in the approach to combat. With the same idea, it will also be possible to obtain skill books to facilitate the gameplay of certain classes, such as an improvement in the paladin’s blessings. The new raid Gnomeregan has many surprises in store and a myriad of new equipment to obtain. Finally, the Stranglethorn Valley area will frequently be transformed to become a bloody battlefield where all players, regardless of faction, can compete to collect rewards.. Unlike the player versus player event of the first phase, there will be no boss of the opposing faction to defeat and, although groups are allowed, an unpleasant surprise awaits those who rely too much on numbers to crush their opponents.

In addition to these promising contributions, but which remained for the most part expected, other points relating to the functioning of the game were exposed, which shows that player feedback was a decisive factor in the implementation of this new phase. . Blizzard listened carefully and took into account players’ demands following the first phase and decided to implement rules regarding battlefield queues.. Indeed, there will now be less chance of encountering pre-made teams if you play alone or in a small group. In order to solve the problem of bots and illegal sale of gold for real money, Blizzard has also decided to ban “GDKP” raid group formation but only for Season of Discovery servers. This is in fact a system set up for players to purchase equipment obtained from raid bosses with gold.. This system, although it may seem more rational than the random one, favors the purchase of gold coins for real money to have a better chance of obtaining the prized raid rewards.

So, a little patience, because great things seem to await World of Warcraft players when Phase 2 of the Season of Discovery launches. February 8.

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