Game news Boxed video games aren’t over yet! This distribution giant denies the rumors

Game news Boxed video games aren’t over yet! This distribution giant denies the rumors

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This news which spread on the Internet scared fans of 100% physicality in the world of video games. Fortunately, it was false, according to an official response.

Smoke without fire?

This is nothing new, the video game in physical version is not doing well. We still remember the British supermarket chain Tesco which decided last year to no longer sell video game boxes in its stores. The reason given by the managers was, unsurprisingly, the evolution of customers’ way of consuming, “customers who prefer entertainment in its digital version rather than in its physical version” regretted the decision-makers. This decision came against a backdrop of crisis across the Channel, where 35 GameStop stores had closed in Ireland.

For its part, the British chain of stores GAME, which closed its doors here in 2013, declared that it had noticed a real decline in boxed games. “Digital has moved ahead beyond what we expected” explained the owner of the brand. It was precisely GAME that found itself at the center of a media storm caused by revelations… which were subsequently denied.

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No policy changes

If you spend time on social networks, you have surely seen the news circulating that the GAME channel was no longer going to sell physical games, with the exception of pre-orders. Taken over by Eurogamer which was based on an article by Gfinitythe information has just been denied by representatives of GAME.

Still at Eurogamer, the brand declared that “the information is categorically false”. “GAME continues to support the physical games market, offering a wide range of physical games, consoles, software, accessories and digital gift cards, in-store and online” we can read.

Frasers Group, the parent company of GAME, “assured Eurogamer that there have been no changes to the store’s policy regarding the sale of physical games and consoles” adds the site. For its part, Gfinity updated its article by publishing GAME’s denial published by Eurogamer. In the basic paper it was said that “sources close to the store“had”indicated to Gfinity that the hardware and software“would not”only available for pre-order”.

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