Game news Hogwarts Legacy is a much more violent game than one might have believed, this random feat to achieve is proof out of context

Game news Hogwarts Legacy is a much more violent game than one might have believed, this random feat to achieve is proof out of context

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Hogwarts Legacy seems much darker than you might think. Indeed, a player recently discovered a random challenge to complete, surprising and very violent!

A player, under the nickname Severe_Risk_6839 on Reddit, made a disturbing discovery about Hogwarts Legacy that he wanted to share. During a duel, he noted an optional feat, appearing randomly, which proved to be particularly cruel. The latter asked the player to use dark magic to torture an enemy while they were on fire! Throughout the books and films, we have witnessed poignant and often tragic scenes, such as the death of Harry’s parents, that of Dumbledore, and the execution of Severus Snape. Hogwarts Legacy, released in February 2023, continues this tradition by exploring the nuances between good and evil.

This should be an achievement for dark wizards, not students!

See Hogwarts Legacy on Amazon

A sinister discovery

This game which takes place in the world of the famous wizard Harry Potter is perhaps not for everyone. It is also possible to obtain forbidden spells, such as “Avada Kedavra”, the death spell, and “Crucio”, the torture spell. As for the “torture an enemy on fire” challenge, without context, appears to be one of the cruelest in the title. Although combat challenges are optional, they offer valuable rewards that players would not want to ignore. To achieve it, simply learn the spell “Incendio” and “Crucio”.

Being able to perform such torture in Hogwarts Legacy is a deeply disturbing aspect of the game. Whether it’s the ability to use “Crucio” to torture an enemy or combining this spell with other elements for an even more cruel effect , this shows a side of dark magic that the Harry Potter universe has rarely explored so explicitly. The impact of this possibility is amplified by the way the game seems to almost enforce, or at least strongly suggest, these violent acts through its random exploits and challenges. By incentivizing players to perform such actions to obtain valuable rewards, the game can push users to question the moral boundaries of their decisions.

The absence of a system of morality

Contrary to what one might think, Hogwarts Legacy does not include a morality system. Players are free to decide whether or not to use “bad” spells without apparent repercussions. For example, if a person uses “Avada Kedavra” on an enemy, the enemy will simply be killed, without any moral repercussions. While these spells are effective, the lack of consequences for such actions may disappoint some players who would have appreciated a morality system.

This feature could have added depth and stakes to the story, forcing players to think about their decisions. A reputation system similar to that of Fallout: New Vegas could help enrich the gaming experience. In this system, players’ actions influence their reputation with different groups and factions, leading to varied consequences. Transposed to Hogwarts Legacy, such a mechanic would make the game even more captivating by providing moral ramifications and reinforcing the battle between the different houses, or at least that’s what fans imagine.

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