Game News “I played Pokémon badly all my life”, 14 years later, this player realizes that he did not understand this essential element of these video games

Game news “I played Pokémon badly all my life”, 14 years later, this player realizes that he did not understand this essential element of these video games

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For many players, their first experience with Pokémon often occurs during childhood. Unfortunately for him, it took this player 14 years to realize that he had misread essential information from the saga. His daily life will never be the same again.

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When a conjugation error prevents you from playing correctly…

Whatever generation you discovered Pokémon with, there’s a good chance it corresponds to the moment of your childhood. Apart from a few rare exceptions who discover the saga late, it must be admitted that this video game is often one of the first that we can (or want) to play. And if hunting these little monsters is an excellent entry point into the world of video games, getting into it so young inevitably means missing out on a few concepts. This is due to a lack of reading skills or simply a shorter concentration time, or even an inability to remember too many things at once. In any case, this is what happened to this player who took more than 14 years to realize that he was not playing the right way at all:

I’ve been playing Pokémon badly all my life

I’ve been playing Pokémon since I was 6 years old, I started with the Yellow Version. I’ve played at least one game per generation. I played a lot of MMORPGs, participated in several quizzes (I was at the top of the Pokémon Quiz rankings in my state at one point). And I had to wait until I was 20 to realize that I was playing badly.

Every time you try to capture a Pokémon but it resists, one of the messages that may appear is “It looked like it was caught!” (“It appeared to be caught!” in English, editor’s note.). I always interpreted this message as an indication that the Pokémon was already captured by another trainer, and therefore I couldn’t capture it. I’ve killed and passed up so many wild Pokémon and legendary Pokémon because of this. I learned about my mistake just by talking with a friend.

I had to admit this to move on and I hope it makes you laugh.

You will have understood, for this player, the whole problem comes down to a simple error in understanding the conjugation. For the message to mean that the Pokémon has already been captured by another trainer, it would have to be written “It appeared to have been caught!”. In this case, this sentence clearly states that we might have thought that the Pokémon had entered the Pokéball, but that it escaped. A confusion which could not have occurred in French since the translation leaves much less room for confusion.

Many players had the same type of problem

Obviously, the player behind this Reddit post didn’t wait until he was 20 to know how to conjugate a sentence well (at least we hope). However, this text is one of the many messages that recur extremely often in the game and that we no longer really read after the first ten times. The concept then fits comfortably into the player’s brain and the latter simply spams the A key to pass the dialogue thinking they know what it is about. He can then do this for a long time before realizing that the basic concept has been misunderstood, and that’s when the player usually feels very stupid. An experience ultimately shared by many other playerswithout necessarily being precisely the same concept:

In the first generation I believed that Liliput really reduced the size of my Pokémon, and that all status effects like that were permanent. If I saw the message “Defense cannot go any lower!” I got rid of my Pokémon thinking it was no longer useful lol

When I first started Soul Silver I didn’t understand the save system because all the games I had played either didn’t require a save or had an autosave. Every time I turned off the game I had to start all over again. For a good week I thought I had to do everything in one go. If it had lasted a little longer I could have become a professional speedrunner.

The most similar experience I had was with the first Kingdom Hearts.

I couldn’t figure out how to enter the world of Hercules. If I remember correctly we have to talk to Phil who has his back turned and he says something like “I’m busy kid”

…so I just left him alone and went to explore other worlds. I had to defeat Ursula (from a more distant world) without the power of lightning because I never got it from Hercules. It took me forever to beat her.

I told a friend about it a while later and he said “Yeah you just have to talk to Phil twice”………….

Before you make fun of the player behind this article or all these testimonials, try to remember your younger years as a player. It’s a safe bet that you have also misunderstood some things that would seem absolutely obvious to you today. We’ll let you share the best ones with us in the comments.

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