Game news “One of the worst interfaces I have seen”: after nine years of waiting, the first images of this game are worrying

Game news “One of the worst interfaces I have seen”: after nine years of waiting, the first images of this game are worrying

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The least we can say is that the journey of Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League was complicated and in fact, it still is a little. The new images of the game are here and some are worrying some players.

The obstacle course

Rocksteady is a studio that has received praise from the industry and the public for its acclaimed work on Batman Arkham: without a doubt, the English firm has really kicked the anthill by breaking the superhero video game codes. Even today, the saga is considered a masterpiece: only here, the latest episode, Batman Arkham Knight, dates from 2015 and since then, Rocksteady has not yet released anything.

Fans have been impatient for nine years and after years of silence – it is said behind the scenes that the studio would have worked on a Superman game that was ultimately canceled – it was revealed that their new project will be Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. The problem is that the presentations did not convince, that the game-service aspect worried and that the many delays did not allow the hype to build. After numerous postponements, the title will indeed be released on February 2, 2024 and Warner Bros. is naturally beginning to support the marketing campaign.

Very recently, we were able to play the game, reassuring ourselves about certain aspects while leaving us perplexed about many others. We therefore redirect you to our article or to our video preview below to find out more.

A HUD that surprises

The press having been able to get their hands on the game to play it for the first time, numerous images and gameplay extracts were captured, which are currently circulating on the internet. The opportunity to enjoy cinematics with a rather tasty atmosphere and first-rate technique, but also to note the in-game interface which some consider catastrophic.

Suicide Squad: KTJL might have the worst HUD I’ve seen recently, what’s going on, 9 years of development on this

We will let everyone form their opinion even if, indeed, the HUD reveals a lot of information which should undoubtedly be useful to the player despite everything. Remember that the title offers cooperative action for up to four players in an open world, each character having numerous abilities of their own. Together, this team of supervillains will have to defeat numerous superheroes (Superman, Flash and others) whose minds are possessed by Brainiac in the middle of Metropolis.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will be released on February 2, 2024 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. The time for the final verdict will soon (finally?) come!

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