Game news Released more than 30 years ago, this advertisement is one of the best and undoubtedly one of the favorites of Nintendo fans too

Game news Released more than 30 years ago, this ad is one of the best and undoubtedly one of the favorites of Nintendo fans too

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In the world of video games, we tend to wish birthdays for video games more than for their advertisements. However, it was on June 6, 1993 that this advert for an essential Zelda game was released. Something to remember the communication from the Nintendo era, but also their strategy regarding the name of their Zelda video games.

Nintendo and its 90s commercials

During the 90s and 2000s, Nintendo stood out for the quality of its consoles and games. The Kyoto company displays the aura of the top of the class and, yet, this image contrasts with those of some of their advertisements. Among the most cult, it’s hard not to mention those of Smash Bros. 64 where we see Pikachu groping Mario for the first time. In the same way, viewers who grew up in the 90s will remember the Pokémon commercial with a certain nostalgia.

Of course, Zelda video games also have their own advertisements. Some were more impactful than others, like that of Robin Williams for Ocarina of Time on 3DS. To return to this zany period at Nintendo, we can go back to 1993 to discover the first Japanese ad for Link’s Awakening.

A witness to a different generation far from the similar trailers now released by Nintendo for its Switch. We see the cast of the game, almost all of them as puppets, presenting the title with a sort of joyful mood which nevertheless contrasts with the general tone of it.

Names of Zelda games

Furthermore, this ad recalls Nintendo’s policy for the name of its Zelda games. She often makes a change when she exports her titles to the West, for reasons that seem obvious: the literal translation of the Japanese name rarely conveys the meaning. Furthermore, you sometimes have to deal with foreign customs and cultures. In the early 1990s, the United States censored many products that spoke in any way about religion. Castlevania 4 paid the price, Holy Diver probably too…Perhaps this is why Zelda 3, known in Japan by the literal translation Triforce of the Gods, was changed to A Link to the Past.

As for Link’s Awakening, it is titled Dreaming Island in Japan. While it is not officially known why this name was chosen, two reasons emerge. The first is because Dreaming Island is similar to Kirby’s Dream Land. This is the first name of the game Kirby (1992). This could have caused confusion. Secondly, it is perhaps to avoid disclosing the turn of events proposed by the title. A “plot twist” that we can already see through the Japanese advertising below with the very judicious use of puppets…

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