Game News This grandmother has been playing this cult Nintendo video game for 15 years every morning and it has changed her life. Gamers bow with respect to this performance

Game news This grandmother has been playing this cult Nintendo video game for 15 years every morning and it has changed her life. Gamers bow with respect to this performance

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Despite the presence of high quality games, the GameCube is generally considered a commercial failure with only just over 20 million units sold. However, in 2006, Nintendo went back on track with the Wii, a global hit whose concept was based on motion detection.

The Wii: a colossal and above all family success

If rumors are to be believed, Nintendo’s next home console will be the first to take the form of a very direct evolution of the machine currently on the market. For a very long time, Nintendo has focused on offering different ways of playing, introducing the analog stick, mini-DVDs, and, more recently, a tablet controller. But the concept which, before that of the Switch, was best understood by the general public is undoubtedly that the Wii. Classically shaped console, it operated using a controller resembling a remote control and supporting movement recognition. So that players understand the idea as soon as they open the box, Nintendo included a game: Wii Sports.

Bowling, Boxing, Tennis, Golf and Baseball made it possible to understand these controls requiring gestures, but also to play as a family. The Wii may not have been the company’s most “gaming” console, but it introduced tens of millions of players to video games, of all ages. It is very common to hear or read stories telling how several generations came together to compete on Wii Sports, or how retirement homes introduced the machine to motivate residents to practice fun physical activity. Nintendo was targeting a family audience and wanted everyone to play: a successful bet. The firm and third-party publishers have not stopped at Wii Sports, and many games or experiences have used various accessories.

This grandmother has launched Wii Fit every morning for almost 16 years, the community praises the performance

Among all these titles produced, there is one that has enjoyed great success. This is obviously Wii Fit, accompanied by its Wii Balance Board. Sold more than 22 million units, the title offers more than 40 activities to be made with the accessory. Yoga, gymnastics, steping, running or even stretching, push-ups and abs, almost everything is possible. Players can also track their progress and view various dedicated graphs.

The in-game character, the Wii Fit Trainer, has become so popular that she is one of the fighters on the Super Smash Bros. roster. Ultimate. Regardless, Wii Fit (and Wii Fit Plus in 2009) found its way into many homes, among young people and seniors alike. Today’s story concerns a senior, whose activity on Wii Fit was shared in 2019 by her grandson or granddaughter on
. Five years later, this same user, Gperk69, posted a new image, showing that her grandmother never stopped doing her daily session.

5 years after the original post showing my grandmother playing Wii Fit every morning for 10 years, I am pleased to inform you that she continues to do so! She wakes up every morning and does exercises to stay in shape! (…)

The photo shows, this grandmother launched the title on 5794 different days! This represents almost 16 years, a feat praised by the entire community! Some players find this touching, others are admiring, and still others point out the fact that, 16 years later, the Wii is still capable of running the title and recording performances. Some comments even invite Nintendo to recognize this grandmother like a legend, or ask the user to give the sportswoman a hug for them. All comments are positive, and it’s true that we can only bow to such a level of perseverance. As we read in a comment: go ahead grandma!

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