Game News Who is the most detestable video game character of all time? According to Internet users, he wins hands down

Game news Who is the most hateful video game character of all time? According to Internet users, he wins hands down

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Among the many debates regularly revived in the gaming community, the question of who is the most annoying and detestable character in video games often comes up. And without much surprise, this character still occupies first place, despite the years.

If there are ultra-popular video game characters, without too many surprises, there are obviously others who are unanimously hated by players. Thanks to the internet, forums and social networks, players can share their experiences with each other to realize that they are not the ones to hate the same NPCs. Recently, the debate was rekindled on Reddit and everyone had their own little comment. But unsurprisingly, the most annoying character in video game history has remained the same for years, and we understand why..

“Hey, let’s go bowling!”

While scrolling through the Reddit post on the subreddit devoted to video games r/videogames entitled “Who is the most annoying video game character?”, Internet users gave many varied names. Before arriving at the one that is unanimous, we can cite quite surprising examples like Roman Bellic, the cousin of Niko Bellic from Grand Theft Auto IVwhich has exasperated more than one with these calls to go bowling.

Another surprising name is Preston Garvey from Fallout 4 who annoyed many players by repeating over and over that another camp needed help. And without too many surprises, Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is on the list, with her famous little interjection “Hey, Listen!” to attract the attention of players which ends up being annoying in the long run. But obviously, all of that is nothing compared to our number one.

The most hated character in video games is…

If you’ve been playing video games for decades, you obviously recognize the character at the top of the Reddit post that interests us today. In the comments, we can see a quote from an NPC from Skyrim (“Do you get to the cloud district often?”), but it’s not this episode of The Elder Scrolls that we’re going to talk about. Of course, the most annoying character in video game history is none other than the fanatic from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivionmore simply called the fan.

As a reminder, this is a character who follows the player after becoming the Grand Champion of the Arena and as his name suggests, he is completely a fan of you, which makes him unbearable. If you are unfortunate enough to allow him to follow you, he will follow you forever and even if you kill him, he will reappear after three days. to praise your exploits. A nice troll from the developers at Bethesda which clearly earns him the title of the most detestable character in video games.

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