Games like Diablo: Here you can continue slicing demons!

Already beat Diablo but want more? We show you three alternative games to Blizzard’s top-down carnage.

In 2019, fans were able to celebrate the announcement of Diablo 4, which Blizzard keeps informing about in new updates. The first Diablo in Blizzard’s well-known action RPG series was released in 1996, so it has been around for a few years. That doesn’t detract from the popularity of the series, however, as it continues to spawn games. Diablo 2 has even received a new edition. So far, three main games of the series have been released, sometimes with a long time lag – Diablo 3 is the youngest offshoot.

Diablo 4 is supposed to be particularly dark. Take a look at the trailer if you dare:

The Diablo series gives a lot of freedom when building the game character. You can choose a class, name the character, level it up and gradually unlock new skills to customize it according to your preferences. You can also equip your character with cosmetics such as wings or give him small pets that stay with him during his adventures. Every three months there is a new season that provides additional content. The couch multiplayer available on the consoles is also fun, in which you can plunge into the carnage with up to three friends. Unfortunately, this is not available on the PC, but you can still use the online multiplayer there.

If you have already done all this, already knew it or are looking for alternatives for other reasons, we have selected three of them for you here.

Path of Exile

Things get bloody in Path of Exile. (© Grinding Gear Games)

Many connoisseurs will immediately think of Path of Exile as an alternative to Diablo. This game has so many similarities to the game series that it could also be considered an unofficial offshoot of the Diablo franchise. This also makes sense given that the game was heavily inspired by Diablo. If you just want to try it out, you don’t even have to invest anything: Path of Exile is free to play! Another big plus is that most of the in-game purchases are cosmetic only. Unfortunately, there is no local multiplayer here – but you can complete the dungeons online with up to five other people.

In Path of Exile, you can assign your character to one of six classes. The skills are also very extensive here and allow you to design your character with a huge skill tree according to your own preferences.
What makes the game special is that there is no money system in it. You cannot buy items from merchants in the game. Instead, you get them in barter with other players or of course in the form of genre-specific, randomly generated loot! If this insight is not enough for you, you can find more information about the plot and gameplay of Path of Exile in this article.

Minecraft Dungeons

Dungeon crawlers are the most fun together. (©Microsoft)

If the setting with the underworld and demons is too gloomy for you, we can recommend the colorful Minecraft Dungeons. Here you fight your way through numerous pixel worlds and sometimes well-known, sometimes less well-known opponents from the Minecraft universe in Diablo-style. You collect all kinds of loot, experience points and new skills. There are now also six story DLCs – so if the main story isn’t enough for you and you’re willing to spend a few more virtual dollars, you can upgrade the game properly. In Minecraft Dungeons, you can also tackle the levels with four people – both on the couch and online.

In Minecraft Dungeons you can also create a character, there is no class choice here. But every character can access all items and is therefore quite flexible in terms of customization options. You can use predefined skins when creating them or use those that you have created in the normal Minecraft editor. You can connect your accounts, although this is a bit cumbersome. Still, it’s handy to have the ability to do so. Curious? With our tips you will have the perfect start in Minecraft Dungeons.

Titan Quest

In Titan Quest you fight all sorts of mythological creatures. (© Iron Lore Entertainment)

Although Titan Quest was released in 2006, the 2016 Anniversary Edition is still playable on current consoles. This game takes you into a completely different setting than Diablo. Especially those who are interested in Egyptian, Chinese and Greek mythology will enjoy immersing themselves in the game world. Here, too, you have to choose a class for your character and can unlock tons of loot and skills. There is both online multiplayer for up to six players and local multiplayer for up to two players. Unfortunately, there is only the online option on the PC.

However, one of the biggest points of criticism is: Due to the relatively boring level design and the despicable environment, you can clearly see the age of the game. However, if you can get used to it, you’ll have a lot of fun with Titan Quest.

These three Diablo alternatives should keep you busy for a while. Of course, these are not all titles that you can reach for instead of demon slaughter.

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