Gaming News After his big marathon on Elden Ring, this Twitch streamer fell into the trap of FromSoftware video games and he wasn’t ready for what awaited him

Game news After his big marathon on Elden Ring, this Twitch streamer fell into the trap of FromSoftware video games and he wasn’t ready for what awaited him

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Streamer Kai Cenat, famous for his captivating broadcasts and video game challenges, is about to embark on a new adventure that will delight his many fans. Following the success of his Elden Ring marathon, Kai announced that he will be embarking on a series of streams dedicated to FromSoftware’s other iconic games. This initiative promises to immerse viewers in hours of intense gameplay and epic challenges.


  • A Natural Transition After Elden Ring
  • The Next Steps: An Epic Journey
  • Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
  • A Parenthesis with Bully
  • Return to FromSoftware: Bloodborne and Dark Souls
  • A Titanic Challenge for an Engaged Community

A Natural Transition After Elden Ring

Elden Ring was a major turning point for Kai Cenat, not only as a player, but also as a content creator. The game, praised for its complexity and rich universe, allowed Kai to demonstrate his gaming skills while keeping his audience engaged. The streamer proved his determination by triumphing over the Japanese studio’s latest in a single marathon session, after more than 160 hours of gameplay and countless epic battles. In particular, he spent 30 hours facing Malenia, a formidable boss who has become legendary among players.

Having conquered the lands of the Mid-Earth, Kai is now ready to explore other challenging titles from FromSoftware.

The Next Steps: An Epic Journey

Kai will begin his marathon with the highly anticipated Elden Ring DLC, titled Shadow of the Erdtree. This additional content, scheduled for June 21, 2024, promises new adventures and challenges, allowing Kai to extend his immersion in the fantastic universe of the game. This introduction is a perfect transition before tackling other notable games from the same developer.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

After Elden Ring, Kai will move on to Sekiro Shadows Die Twice. This game stands out for its unique setting of feudal Japan and its combat mechanics focused on precision and timing. Known for its daunting difficulty, this adventure will test Kai’s reflexes and patience, providing its viewers with moments of tension and triumph.

A Parenthesis with Bully

To add a touch of variety to his marathon, Kai will intersperse his sessions with bully , a Rockstar classic. While this game isn’t from FromSoftware, it provides a welcome break with its lighter atmosphere and different gameplay, allowing Kai to diversify his content while still keeping his audience engaged.

Return to FromSoftware: Bloodborne and Dark Souls

Kai will then return to the dark and unforgiving universe of FromSoftware with Bloodborne. This game, acclaimed for its gothic atmosphere and frenetic combat system, is a must-play for fans of the genre. The horrifying monsters and sinister settings of Yharnam promise captivating and intense streaming sessions.

To conclude his marathon, Kai will tackle the legendary Dark Souls trilogy (1, 2 And 3). These games, which defined the “Soulsborne” genre, are renowned for their extreme difficulty and complex lore. Traversing these perilous worlds will require all the skill and determination that Kai has cultivated through his previous challenges. Fans can expect memorable moments, epic boss fights, and total immersion in the Dark Souls universe.

A Titanic Challenge for an Engaged Community

Kai Cenat’s marathon is more than just a personal challenge; it’s an experience shared with its community of loyal fans. His streams not only provide entertainment, but also an opportunity for viewers to experience these adventures together, share tips, and support Kai in his most difficult times.

With this series of streams, Kai Cenat continues to stand out as one of the most dynamic and engaging streamers on the scene. His game choices reflect a desire to surpass himself and always offer more to his fans. Whether you’re a veteran of FromSoftware games or a newcomer, this marathon promises to be an unforgettable adventure.

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