Gas reserves continue to fill slowly

FRANKFURT, Germany (Reuters) – Natural gas reserves have risen slightly in the past 24 hours in Germany despite falling Russian deliveries, the Federal Network Agency said on Saturday, while confirming that the situation is ” tense”.

The filling level of gas reserves in Germany reached 56.67% on Saturday, against 56.29% on Friday, said the Bundesnetzagentur.

The German government has called on companies and individuals to reduce their gas consumption as much as possible to allow the country to attack the winter season in the best possible conditions.

The Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany has been operating at around 40% capacity since this week, with Gazprom citing technical difficulties while Berlin accuses Moscow of using the gas as a weapon to pressure the government. ‘Europe.

The President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Mller, warned on Friday that even with fully filled reserves, Germany would only have two and a half months of gas ahead of it if Russia decided to completely stop its deliveries.

(Report by Christoph Steitz, French version Tangi Salan)

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