Gay daddy regrets lack of inclusiveness in son's back-to-school forms

/ Mom / Child / This gay daddy regrets the lack of inclusiveness in his son's back-to-school forms

As he was filling out his little boy's school form, this gay dad was struck by the lack of inclusiveness of the forms that require a "father" and "mother" signature.

It's time to shake things up. Damien, a three-year-old gay daddy of little Elijah, found himself facing a mountain of paperwork as his little boy started to school. While his son is preparing to go back to school, in the small kindergarten section, Damien was surprised to see the lack of inclusiveness within schools, which only requires the signature of the "father" and of the mother.

"Seven years after the possibility given to gay couples to adopt, it's a shame to see that the school still conveys a very standardized vision of the family unit", tells this gay dad to TÊTU. In addition to lacking inclusiveness, this document from the Dijon academy asks for the maiden name of the" mother "and also asks if she is" madam "or" mademoiselle ", Terms banned from administrative documents since 2012."Looks like the form hasn't been updated in decades", testifies the father.

" It conveys an outdated image of parenthood, especially with children "

This father does not say he is shocked by this form, it is quite the opposite, "Basically, I was expecting a little". He then decided to strike out the inappropriate references to the document. "It's quite ridiculous, the document particularly emphasizes the role of the mother. It conveys an outdated image of parenthood, especially with children", he says.

Following his tweet to alert on the lack of inclusiveness within institutions, the Academy of Dijon responded to his message. "Article L 111-4 of the Education Code, applicable since the start of the 2019 school year, provides that the administrative forms intended for parents allow the choice between the terms father, mother or legal representative and thus take into account the diversity of family situations. . The academy is fully committed to the fight against discrimination. However, some obsolete forms may still circulate with unsuitable formulations. Thanks for calling our attention. "

Despite this incident, Damien was able to take advantage of his son's return to school. "The welcome was very good, even if the barrier gestures prevented us from really getting to know the mistress", he testifies."Many people have questions about same-sex parenting. Maybe we can change the representations", hopes this dad.

It is hoped that in the future, schools will consider including all family models in their documents.

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