Gazprom says delivering gas to Europe via Ukraine

Gazprom says to deliver gas to Europe via Ukraine |  Photo credits: © Gazprom

Gazprom says to deliver gas to Europe via Ukraine | Photo credits: © Gazprom

Sept 3 (Reuters) – Gazprom will deliver 42.7 million cubic meters of gas to Europe via Ukraine on Saturday, the Russian gas giant said, hours after announcing deliveries to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline would not resume as planned.

Throughput at the Sudja entry point on the Russia-Ukraine border was slightly higher than Friday’s level but not enough to offset the volumes that were expected via Nord Stream 1.

Russia announced on Friday that the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, which runs under the Baltic Sea to connect Russia with Germany and other Western European countries, would not restart as planned on Saturday, due to a oil leak detected during maintenance operations over the past few days.

The German group Siemens Energy, which usually carries out maintenance operations on the Nord Stream 1 turbines but was not associated this time with the work carried out by Gazprom, considered that the leak reported by the Russian group in no way justified the shutdown of the gas pipeline.

(Reuters editorial staff, French version Bertrand Boucey)

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