Gender gap comic shows: What happens when women talk like men at work

If only a career were as easy for women as it is for men … This comic shows how different men and women are still perceived in the job – even though they say the same thing.

What would you do if you could live in a man's body for a day? This question is known from psychological tests and from girls' evenings. The most exciting answer to this, however, could be the seemingly boring one: Everything is exactly the same.

Why should you do everything in a man's body exactly as you normally would as a woman? Well, because then a lot would probably change anyway. Because in everyday life men and women are often assessed completely differently – even if they behaved in exactly the same way.

Comic shows gender gap in the job

Gender differences are all well and good, but not when it comes to prejudice. We want justice. Especially at work. It's not just the gender pay gap that regularly reminds us that we are still a long way from equality. Now the comedian and author Sarah Cooper has published a comic that sums up what women struggle with on a daily basis: They are perceived differently than their male colleagues. And that's not exactly beneficial, to say the least.

The comic summarizes a total of seven situations from everyday working life. They each show a man and a woman saying exactly the same thing. Below the drawings you can see how differently one and the same word can be interpreted – depending on which gender it is used.

"How to become successful without hurting a man's feelings"

And sadly, these comics seem all too familiar to us. Who hasn't heard of a friend who was asked about intimacies such as wanting to have children before the promotion. Or from the employee who openly expresses criticism, does not put up with everything – and only has to listen to whether she is on her period.

By the way, the comic is just a small preview of the book "How to Be Successful without Hurting Men’s Feelings" by Sarah Cooper. In it, the author wants to take women by the hand with humor to become a career woman "without harming the fragile, male ego".

On her satire website "The Cooper Review", Sarah not only gives career tips for women, but also for men. Because maybe in the near future there will be a world in which women no longer need special tricks in order to be successful in their job – because they are finally equal.

sources used: Instagram, Sarah Cooper, The Cooper Review