Genetic research: intelligent parents often have less intelligent children

Genetic research
Smart parents often have less smart children

© Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

It all depends on the genes, says behavioral geneticist Robert Plomin. Even so, the offspring of intelligent parents are often less clever than they are.

Cognitive abilities or psychological problems, night owl or early riser: in, introverted or extroverted – these and other characteristics are largely determined by our DNA, says the renowned American behavioral geneticist Robert Plomin.

A controversial debate

Is that correct? One thing is certain: the debate as to whether it is our genes or our environment that shapes who we are has been going on since ancient times – and at times it is heated. Because the idea that our genetic makeup defines our personality is frowned upon as deterministic because it leaves little room for us to be shaped or to change ourselves. And because the National Socialists derived their deadly racial ideology from it.

“At least 50 percent of every property is in the genes”

Plomin is one of the scientists who argue that we are largely shaped by our genes: not only characteristics such as eye color or height are inherited, but also character and personality. “Whether we are brave or musical, funny, emphatic or introverted – at least 50 percent of this is in our genes at birth,” said Plomin in an interview with GEO magazine. 70 percent of our BMI is determined by genes.

The parents are relieved

Plomin thinks that his findings relieve parents – because seen in this way, they are not to blame if the offspring have problems. Because if the cause of mental illness, school failure or obesity lies primarily in the DNA, parents do not have to feel responsible for it. They could support their children, but the genetic requirements could not be shaken. “Character traits cannot be taught to a child,” said Plomin.

And he is also convinced of this: that the genetically inherited intelligence of children approaches the average values ​​in a population over the generations. This also means: “Above-average clever parents are more likely to have children who are a little less clever than they are, and vice versa,” says the scientist.
