Genital herpes in women: how to recognize it and what treatments? : Current Woman Le MAG

Genital herpes is a chronic sexually transmitted infection. Very contagious, it is transmitted by direct contact with lesions located on or near the genitals. Symptoms can profoundly affect the quality of life of infected people. Currently, there is no medication to eradicate the virus, but available treatments reduce the duration and intensity of symptoms.

What is genital herpes?

Genital herpes is a chronic sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2. The first mainly affects the mouth while the second attacks the genitals. “In reality, in 30% of cases, theherpes found in the vulva is the herpes serotype found in the mouth (type 1)”, comments Dr Odile Bagot. This viral disease is transmitted exclusively during sexual intercourse. (vaginal or anal penetration) or oral (contact of the mouth with the penis or vulva). Sharing sex toys also represents a mode of transmission. Finally, an infected mother can contaminate her newborn during childbirth. “Once in the body, the virus goes to sleep until the next outbreak. In France, 20% of the sexually active population is affected, particularly women. specifies the gynecologist.

What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

Symptoms during primary infection

Genital herpes manifests itself for the first time, often very noisy, it is the famous primary infection. Symptoms usually occur 7 to 10 days after sexual contact. “Blisters appear on the vulva and will turn into ulcerations, which is extremely painful. A large area of ​​the vulva is affected, so much so that in some cases it is necessary to spend a week without panties at home, develops Dr Odile Bagot. Sometimes the symptoms are limited to a small cluster of blister-like vesicles that look like blisters. These are very ephemeral because they will burst very quickly to give way to raw areas (ulcerations) then to scabs.. These symptoms are often accompanied by lymphadenopathy (painful lymph node) located in the groin. However, there is a minority of women who are asymptomatic. They can therefore transmit the virus to their sexual partners without knowing it.

Symptoms during recurrences

After the primary infection, the virus remains in the lymph nodes and resurfaces in the event of a decline in the immune system, significant stress, fatigue or even hormonal upheaval. Some women feel warning signs before recurrences or recurrences: tingling, burning sensation, discomfort or irritation at the site of the eruption. Healing is achieved in about a week.

What can be done to limit the risk of contagion?

It goes without saying that you should refrain from having sexual intercourse during outbreaks of genital herpes. “In any case, the pain is such that it makes intimate contact impossible.” warns our expert. During pregnancy, it is also essential to notify the medical profession in the event of genital herpes. because if there are herpes vesicles at the time of delivery and the baby is born vaginally, there is a risk of herpes encephalitis which is extremely serious. “This is the reason why an outbreak of herpes during childbirth requires a mandatory cesarean section, she continues. It is also essential not to share your bathroom linen, to wash your hands thoroughly after being in contact with the lesions, to avoid clothing that is too tight, to clean the lesions using soap. with a neutral pH without rubbing.

Treatment: how to treat genital herpes?

Val-aciclovir (Zéiltrex®) is the standard treatment that can be prescribed to reduce the duration and intensity of symptoms during a herpes outbreak.

“During the primary infection, the recommended dosage is 2 tablets per day for 10 days in combination with local care and 2 tablets per day for 5 days in the event of recurrences”, says Dr Odile Bagot. On the other hand, the effectiveness of local antivirals is not always sufficient to stop recurrences. “If a woman has more than 4 recurrences per year, genital herpes is said to be chronic and requires the administration of Zelitrex continuously for 6 full months. At the time of the pushes, a analgesic can be offered to relieve pain”, continues the specialist.

Read also :

⋙ Genital herpes: what is this unusual symptom that can occur before the lesions appear?

⋙ I have genital herpes and my sexuality suffers from it

⋙ Genital herpes: Laureen’s testimony

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