Genius Household Hacks: How Did I Not Know?

How could I miss that?
Ingenious household hacks that make everyday life easier

© Jenko Ataman / Adobe Stock

These household hacks definitely fall under the category: give them to me, I can always use them.

Mucking out, cleaning, tidying up. At regular intervals we have to devote ourselves to the tiresome housework and we repeatedly ask ourselves why little elves can’t do it as if by magic. Cute wishful thinking, because there are no elves. However, what already exists are household hacks that make everyday life easier and that not everyone knows. So that things don’t stay that way and gnomes don’t have to be invented first, we share this valuable knowledge with you.

Household hacks: Bring it on

Free drain: Pour 1 tablespoon of baking soda and vinegar down your drain and let sit for about 5 minutes. After that he should be free again.

Clean dishwasher: This also works with vinegar. Simply put a small bowl with it in the dishwasher and let it run through once. After that, it should be free of bad odors.

Sharp knives: If you don’t have a knife sharpener handy, you can use the bottom of a cup.

Remove unpleasant odors from clothes: Washing usually helps, but if this is not possible for any reason, you can hang the clothes over a warm heater. The hot air rises through the fabric.

Making hard bread soft again: Briefly hold under running water, then bake in the oven again. Almost like fresh from the baker.

Using the pasta strainer correctly: Instead of pouring the noodles into the colander with the water, start by placing the colander in the pot and then draining the water. That way you don’t have to shake everything back and forth.

Never cry again … when cutting onions: Just keep a sip of water in your mouth before snipping.

Fresh room scent: Set up a small bowl with detergent or fabric softener, pour hot water on it and place it in the room.

Sources used:, TikTok

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