Genshin Impact: this difference between adult and child characters is surprising

One could reasonably imagine that between male and female characters, young or old, the interactions on the environment of Genshin Impact would be the same. False ! MiHoYo didn’t code all of his characters one way, as the redditor found. GoyaWalnut this week. The player has indeed noticed that female characters carrying catalysts weren’t being knocked back by force fields in the same way.

No bobo for the little ones

On the clip, we see that the knockback animation is not the same, depending on whether the character is an adult or not. The younger characters, like Sucrose, are like teleported in a golden flash at the moment of the fall. Adult women perform a roll following the pushback. And the difference is noticeable for several other catalyst users.

Why such an “insignificant” difference?

MihoYo has an eye for detail, and there’s a reason for this sharp animation difference. The most plausible theory is simply that the size difference between the two character models required the developers to rework a fall animation. Why in this case deprive yourself of integrating a small dose of additional magic, around the young characters?

But according to some fans, it would be a way to avoid bullying the younger characters. In other words, this little magic teleportation of nothing at all can prevent the youngest heroines of Teyvat (some are downright children) from doing nasty tricks, or even from finding themselves in embarrassing positions.

There’s no age limit for fighting Brutocollinus, but there is one for humiliating bowls, apparently.

The Hyakunin Ikki event is back, and since its first appearance players have had time to roll their bumps and work on their mechanics. Tartaglia has recently hit the headlines, with simply illegal amounts of damage in the instance…

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