Genshin Impact: Update 2.6 is unveiled and will be released on March 30

First notable event, the opening of the Chasm, a destination located at the western end of Liyue. Previously closed, this large underground area now invaded by monsters, treasure looters and Fatui sports a red-purple hue and houses a Serpent of the Ruins as a boss. Players will visit this location with Dainsleif as part of the new Archons quest. For the occasion, a gadget called “Lumen Stone Adjuvant” will be awarded to them to help them light their way and unlock new rewards, including the prototype of a new 4★ weapon.

Outside, it’s open time for the Inazuma region, whose containment decree has finally been abolished. As a result, guests from all over Teyvat can now travel to the archipelago for the Irodori Festival under the gaze of Yae Miko. Old acquaintances like Venti, Xingqiu and many other faces from Monstard and Liyue will be there to celebrate local culture and interact with citizens of the newly opened nation.

And if players will have the opportunity to recruit Xingqiu after a series of challenges, the star of this new update is none other than Kamisato Ayato, young leader of the Kamisato Clan who will wield his sword and his Hydro element of the top of its rank 5★. “In his story quest, players will discover how Ayato handles difficult situations and the emergence of a rare event as Inazuma enters a new era of progress. Ayato can deal massive amounts of area damage in a short amount of time and can also boost the effects of his team’s normal attacks“, can we read.

Those who have stocked up on primo-gems will be able to invest in the hope of obtaining Kamisato Ayato but also Venti during character event wishes. At the same time, weapon event wishes will feature a new 5★ sword, among other things.

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