Gérard Depardieu quiz: 11 looks, 11 films to find!

On the occasion of the cinema release of Les Volets Verts, we invite you to test your knowledge of the outstanding films with Gérard Depardieu.

Gérard Depardieu, 73, is a sacred monster of French cinema. On August 24, Les Volets Verts was released in cinemas, worn by Gégé and directed by Jean Becker. For the occasion, we offer you a quiz around the actor’s memorable roles. 11 films, 11 photos: can you find the title?

The film paints the portrait of a sacred monster, Jules Maugin (Gérard Depardieu), an actor at the height of his glory in the 70s. Under the famous personality, the intimacy of a man is revealed.

The feature film is adapted from the novel of the same name written by Georges Simenon, published in 1950 by Presses de la Cité. Ironically, Gérard Depardieu played Maigret in the cinema this year, also adapted from the Belgian novelist.

In addition, the project was initiated by Depardieu in 2017. During a conversation, the actor advised producers Michèle and Laurent Pétin to read the book.

The producers buy the rights to the novel from its author’s son, John Simenon. They then commission Jean-Loup Dabadie to adapt it. The famous director wrote a first version of the screenplay before dying in May 2020 at the age of 81.

Bertrand de Labbey, agent of Dabadie and Depardieu, then proposed to the producers to entrust the project to Jean Becker. Very excited, the director seizes the Green shutters.

He is on familiar ground since he had already filmed Gérard Depardieu in Elisa (1995) and La Tête en friche (2010). It is with determination that Jean Becker works on the project.

“He quickly makes his way through the script and puts it “in his hand”, adding personal touches, sometimes adapting the dialogues to the actors he chooses”confide Michèle and Laurent Pétin.

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