Gérard Depardieu: rape allegation leads to new investigations

Gérard Depardieu
Rape allegation leads to new investigations

Rape allegation leads to new investigation against Gérard Depardieu.

© Shutterstock.com / Denis Makarenko

Actor Gérard Depardieu faces another investigation into alleged sexual assault from 2018.

The French actor Gérard Depardieu (72) has to face new investigations into alleged sexual assault from 2018. This is reported by the French daily "Le Figaro", citing the AFP news agency. Accordingly, the film star was charged with "rape" and "sexual assault" on December 16.

The plaintiff, a young actress who reported the alleged incidents to the police at the end of August 2018, obtained in summer 2020 that the investigation, which had initially been suspended by the Paris public prosecutor's office in June 2019, was again handed over to an investigative judge. Gérard Depardieu, who was released unconditionally, "fully denies the allegations against him," his lawyer is quoted as saying.
