German blogger – “In love with farm life from head to toe!”

From city lady to thoroughbred farmer’s wife: Madeleine Becker lived in Speyer (D) for years – until love finally changed her whole life and led her to Mörtschach in the Mölltal. The blogger has now published a book about her life as a farmer.

It was actually supposed to be a camping holiday in the Mölltal – but after this stay, the life of the native of Speyer has turned 180 degrees. “In 2018 I spent a few days at the Lindlerhof in Mörtschach. That’s where I met Lukas,” says Madeleine Becker, who was working with the cows in the barn during the phone call to “Krone”. And from that point on, the blogger could no longer distance herself from this place, from Lukas and from life on the farm separate. “I fell in love with this life from start to finish,” enthuses the animal lover, for whom the day begins at 6 a.m. and ends around 10 p.m. But Madeleine – she is also known as Frau Freudig on Instagram – is not only a passionate farmer; she is a blogger and now also a writer. “I put my life on paper and published my first book,” she announces happily. In the book “First Forever” she describes the days as a farmer in the mountain farming village of Mörtschach with a lot of heart and humor. “Here in the country you start to appreciate the little things and you realize that these little things are the most important thing in life.” But her debut work should also give courage. “You should dare to change, test your limits – and learn to go your own way,” explains the likeable 29-year-old.
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