German hockey men lose EM semifinals to England

Hockey men lose too
German EM dreams burst with the last penalty

The German hockey men only play for third place at the home European Championship. In the semi-finals, the DHB selection loses in a penalty shoot-out against England because all attempts are successful – except for the last one.

One day after the unfortunate failure of the German hockey players, the world champion also missed the European Championship final at the home European Championship in Mönchengladbach. The DHB selection was defeated by world number three England late on Friday evening after 60 goalless minutes 4: 5 in a penalty shootout and lost the chance of the ninth European title and early qualification for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

Ironically, Captain Mats Grambusch awarded the decisive penalty. Instead, the team that won their first World Cup title in 17 years in India in January is now playing for third place and will meet Belgium there on Sunday (12.30 p.m.). The final of the European Championship will then be played by England and the defending champions, the Netherlands (3 p.m.).

10,000 spectators in the sold-out hockey park saw an exciting game that demanded a lot of patience from both teams and gave neither side a few chances to score. The guests turned out to be the unpleasant and physically strong opponent that the DHB selection could only defeat in the shootout in the quarterfinals of the World Cup. With consistent man marking and an extremely strong defensive tackle, there were few scoring opportunities for the German team. One of the guests’ best chances was prevented by Gustavo Peillat on his own goal line.

In the first semi-final of the day, ProLeague winners Netherlands beat Olympic champions Belgium 3-2 in a thrilling match. The defending champion’s winning goal came in the 57th minute through Duco Telgenkamp.

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