Germany: Further decline in investor sentiment-ZEW

Germany: Further decline in investor sentiment-ZEW |  Photo credit: Shutterstock

Germany: Further decline in investor sentiment-ZEW | Photo credit: Shutterstock

BERLIN, Aug 16 (Reuters) – Investor sentiment in Germany has deteriorated further since the beginning of August, a survey by the ZEW economic research institute showed on Tuesday.

The index measuring investor sentiment fell to -55.3 after -53.8 in July as economists and analysts polled by Reuters on average expected an unchanged figure.

The sub-index of investors’ judgment of the current situation fell back to -47.6 after -45.8 last month. The Reuters consensus had it at -48.0.

Financial markets are anticipating a further slowdown in already weak economic growth, the survey said, adding that high inflation and the expected further rise in energy bills are expected to weigh on consumption.

(Berlin office report, French version Marc Angrand, edited by Kate Entringer)

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