Germany: HICP inflation confirmed at 5.1% over one year

Germany: HICP inflation confirmed at 5.1% over one year |  Photo credit: Shutterstock

Germany: HICP inflation confirmed at 5.1% over one year | Photo credit: Shutterstock

BERLIN, Feb 11 (Reuters) – Inflation in Germany slowed in January but remains more than twice the European Central Bank’s 2% target for the eurozone as a whole, figures confirmed on Friday definitive.

The consumer price index calculated according to European standards HICP rose by 0.9% compared to December and its rise over one year reached 5.1%, after +5.7% the previous month, announced the federal statistics office, confirming the preliminary figures published on 31 January.

The consumer price index calculated to German standards is up 0.4% month on month and 4.9% on an annual basis, after +5.3% in December, figures themselves also unchanged from the first estimate.

Table (Laetitia Volga, edited by Blandine Hénault)

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