Germany on campaign to promote energy saving

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck presents a campaign focused on energy efficiency and energy saving, on June 10, 2022 in Berlin (AFP/Tobias SCHWARZ)

The German government on Friday called for national mobilization to save energy, enlisting trade unions and employers’ organizations in a campaign to reduce consumption to cope with rising prices and fight against global warming.

“Whoever saves energy helps Germany to become less dependent on Russian imports and contributes to the building of the climate”, affirmed the Minister of Economy and Climate Robert Habeck, presenting this initiative .

Concretely, a poster campaign, aimed at both “industrialists, SMEs and individuals”, will be set up to promote certain practices, such as “turn down the air conditioning”, “take the bus” or buy a “shower head energy-saving”.

Baptized “80 million together to save energy” – a reference to the number of inhabitants of the country – the campaign provides for a dedicated website and a telephone “hotline” providing advice on reducing consumption.

This operation comes as the price of energy reached record highs in Europe’s largest economy, with a 38.3% rise in May, fueled by the war in Ukraine.

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck presents a campaign focused on energy efficiency and energy saving, on June 10, 2022 in Berlin

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck presents a campaign focused on energy efficiency and energy saving, on June 10, 2022 in Berlin (AFP/Tobias SCHWARZ)

Germany is particularly affected, because the country is very dependent on Russian hydrocarbons. Before the war, it bought 55% of its gas in Moscow, a share reduced since the beginning of the year to 35%.

“If only for this reason (the rise in prices, editor’s note), it is urgent to save energy”, insisted Mr. Habeck.

Especially since the situation could worsen in the coming months: “A difficult autumn and winter await us”, he warned.

Berlin also highlights the fight “against global warming”, and the “target for reducing greenhouse gases” which could be achieved through energy savings.

The campaign is carried out in collaboration with the major trade unions and employers’ organisations, which will carry the government’s message to their public.

The Ministry of the Economy also intends to set an example, committing, among other things, to only trigger the air conditioning beyond an ambient temperature of “26 degrees”, against 22 currently, and to lower the heating. at its premises in winter.

Acting on energy demand would indeed reduce greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change by 40 to 70% by 2050, according to the latest report by UN climate experts (IPCC), published in April.

© 2022 AFP

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