Germany’s next top model: Sophie concludes a jungle camp deal on “TV Total”.

All information about the current GNTM season in the GALA ticker: Ex-candidate Sophie closes jungle camp deal on “TV Total” +++ The first information about the finale is fixed +++ Hard camera training for the remaining GNTM candidates.

“Germany’s Next Top Model” (GNTM): data and facts

  • The first season of “Germany’s Next Top Model” was broadcast in 2006
  • In the current 17th season, best-ager models are taking part for the first time – candidates who are over 50 years old
  • “Germany’s Next Top Model” will be broadcast on ProSieben from February 3, 2022 every Thursday at 8:15 p.m
  • The shooting of the first episodes of the new season took place in Greece
  • Heidi Klum has already hinted that her daughter Leni Klum will one day take over the show from her

GNTM 2022: All news about the 17th season of “Germany’s Next Top Model” by Heidi Klum

May 5, 2022

Ex-candidate Sophie completes jungle camp deal on “TV Total”.

“I noticed with ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’ how much I love modeling. I get absorbed in it and it’s just so much fun for me. So I definitely want to keep modeling and of course continue my social media presence “, is the answer from ex-GNTM candidate Sophie when asked about her future plans in an interview with GALA.

The 19-year-old, who didn’t get a photo of Heidi Klum in the last episode and therefore had to leave the show, is sticking to her dream. Even then, when moderator Sebastian Pufpaff asked Sophie during her visit to “TV Total” how long it would take until we saw her in the jungle camp, she remained steadfast: “I’m sorry to disappoint the audience in front of the television as well as here have to, but I’d rather go back to university or somewhere else than to be in the jungle camp.”

That impresses Sebastian, who doesn’t want to completely give up the idea of ​​Sophie in the jungle just yet. “If you go in, I’ll come with you,” he blurts out and immediately regrets it when Sophie hits. “NEEEIIIN … I’m not going in there,” he calls out, adding jokingly: “If the number is right, I might go in.”

“Top 20” walk, “Personality Award” and a surprising backstage presenter: the first information about the GNTM final

“Germany’s Next Top Model” is on the home stretch: eight candidates are still in the running. They only have three episodes left to convince Heidi Klum, 48, that they deserve to make it to the grand finale. On May 26, 2022, Heidi will choose the winner of this year’s season live, because, as is well known, only one can become “Germany’s Next Top Model”. Now the broadcaster ProSieben has revealed the first details about the grand finale.

In addition to the “Top 20” walk, there will also be the “Best Personality Award” again. He has already caused a stir in previous seasons. One of the hottest contenders for the award is ex-candidate Sophie, 19. Can the model win the coveted prize away from the title? That remains to be seen. What is certain, however, is that Sophie will have a much more important role in the finale: as a backstage presenter, she will interview the models behind the scenes!

There is also another highlight: the live show can finally take place with an audience again, after it was not possible for the past two years due to the corona pandemic. Otherwise, the finale will remain the same: there will be catwalks and a live photo shoot, and of course Heidi will be able to welcome international celebrities and well-known musicians again.

May 4, 2022

Advantage Thomas Hayo? In this GNTM shoot, it’s not just the girls who sweat

Three more weeks until the grand finale of “Germany’s Next Top Model”. Now the remaining candidates really have to give everything. Anita, 21, Vivien, 22, Luca, 20, Noella, 25, Lieselotte, 66, Lena, 21, Martina, 50, and Lou-Anne, 18, have to show how elegant white high-fashion dresses are with full commitment match the tennis court. “Very demanding but cool shoot,” promises juror Thomas Hayo, 53, in the trailer for the current episode of “Germany’s Next Top Model”.

The ladies give their all in a sweaty duel. “It looks really sporty,” praises Heidi Klum, 48, her girls, before Lena sits on her four letters in the heat of the moment. The oldest member of the group is already confident of victory: “Here comes Lieselotte,” promises the attractive Berliner. But Hayo is rather skeptical: “Maybe we got lucky somewhere, but it’s hard work,” he complains about Klum. Does he mean the performance of all candidates or just one in mind? The resolution will be available on Thursday, May 5th, 2022 on ProSieben.

May 3, 2022

Ex-GNTM candidate Vanessa Hampl: “I have four lacerations on my temples and forehead”

Vanessa Hampl, 24, was seen in the 15th season of “Germany’s Next Top Model”. Since then, the student has been quiet. Now the model is back with a frightening message. Compared to “Bild”, the 24-year-old describes an unexpected attack that had serious consequences.

Vanessa was visiting the church fair in Kadenzhofen with a friend when there was a sudden attack. Without any warning, a beer mug was thrown in her face. “I was standing at the beer stand with friends when suddenly a complete stranger threw a beer mug at me from four meters away,” she summarizes. Private photos available to “Bild” show the model with a bandage around her head and a swollen eye. The injuries are massive. “I have four lacerations on my temples and forehead that had to be sewn, and my eyes are closed and my whole face is swollen,” said the former GNTM candidate.

Now Vanessa hopes that no scars will remain so that she can continue to work successfully as a model. The perpetrator is said to have turned himself in to the police. Officials are currently investigating to what extent the man was involved in the crime.

All information about the 17th season of Germany’s Next Topmodel

Did you miss the news and episodes of the past week? Here you will find all the details and exciting stories about GNTM!

Sources used:,, ProSieben


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