“Germany’s Next Top Model”: Through the monsoon: nude shooting poses problems for models

“Germany’s Next Topmodel”
Through the monsoon: Nude shooting poses problems for models

“Fishing” for new top models: Heidi and photographer Rankin.

© ProSieben / Sven Doornkaat

The season finale is in sight. Episode 15 was accordingly intense. The nude shoot in particular demanded everything from the models.

There are still three weeks until this year’s “GNTM” finale. The challenges are getting hotter, the rivalry between the models is getting bigger. In episode 15 (Thursdays, 8.15 p.m., ProSieben or at joyn) lucrative castings alternated with exciting shootings. In particular, the nude shoot à la “Through the Monsoon” posed serious problems for some models. Two candidates, however, took advantage of their chance and stepped out of the shadow of the favorites. In the end, Heidi’s Ghanaian prince had to surprisingly abdicate.

Heidi had organized a truly intensive program for her five female and seven male models. First, choreographer Nikeata Thompson (43) took the models to task during catwalk teaching. While she praised Marvin (23) for his unmistakably cool walk, she put fire under chick Fabienne (20)’s ass: “Just because you’re a diamond in the rough doesn’t mean you don’t have to step on the gas.” Jermaine (20) confirmed: “He wants to win, I can see that.” Her verdict on Kadidja (21) was similar: “She has a goal in mind – and not just since yesterday.”

“And then definitely win”

Together with Grace (25) and Xenia (24), the previous top job winner Kadidja was able to immediately prove her will to win. A well-known manufacturer of artificial eyelashes was looking for a new model face for a large-scale campaign. Here Grace first impressed the customer with her description of one of the most formative moments of her life. Shortly after the outbreak of war in her home country of Syria, a friend of her own age from the neighborhood was murdered in front of her eyes. Since then, she has appreciated and enjoyed every day of her life even more. Xenia finally got the contract – now her third job within a short period of time. The constant doubter from the Franconian court is fulfilling her modeling dream step by step. She also demonstrated this when she twirled her eyelashes in a princess robe in a fairytale castle. Her confident statement afterwards: “My next goal is the final. And then definitely win.”

Self-doubt attack and hot video shoot with ESC candidate

At the casting for the advertising campaign of an Italian cosmetics manufacturer, Grace, Frieder (25), Xenia, Linus (25), Kadidja and Armin (27) were immediately offered the next job. Their casting task: divided into pairs, they were supposed to portray a warm embrace in front of the camera. Armin and Grace were divided: should we portray the lovers or just the best friends? Their performance seemed fake and theatrical to the customers. Kadidja and Frieder’s embrace felt absolutely authentic. They grabbed the job and flew to Sicily for the campaign shoot. The new setback left favorite Armin doubtful: “Am I good enough to be able to achieve the really big dream later? Or will the whole tower of hope that you have built up for yourself fall over at the end of the season?”

But “Germany’s Next Top Model” Armin didn’t leave any more time for even more depth. Without further ado, he found himself shirtless and freshly oiled in an old factory building in LA with the twins Julian and Luka (24), Jermaine and Marvin. Austria’s ESC representative Kaleen (29) was already waiting for the five men. Directed by Jordan Rossi, they lounged and posed with Kaleen for the official Music video of her ESC hit “We Will Rave”Millions of ESC and “GNTM” fans clicked on the video before the episode was broadcast, discovered their heroes and admired their six-packs.

“She is also a woman and has daughters”

“Lord, have mercy!” This is how Kadidja reacted to the announcement of the final, big challenge of this episode. The news of the upcoming nude shoot hit the model’s shared apartment like a bombshell. The “adhesive underpants” that were sent along, which resembled larger plasters and were intended to cover crucial parts of the body during the shoot, couldn’t provide any reassurance. Kadidja worried about what her boyfriend and family would think of seeing her like this: “I have to process it first.” Then she shed bitter tears. Heidi Klum’s (50) presence on the set gave her hope: “She is also a woman and has daughters. And I don’t think she would expect anything that we wouldn’t want to do.”

On the set, Tokio Hotel fans, including Heidi Klum alias Kaulitz, were inevitably reminded of their super hit “Through the Monsun”. She and “GNTM” veteran Rankin (58) had positioned a sprinkler system and two wind machines in a spacious swimming pool. In front of it, the twelve models posed in front of Rankin’s lens, “wrapped” in skin-colored adhesive plasters and transparent raincoats. Beforehand, Jermaine and Linus briefly released their tension. Linus’ question as to whether Jermaine had already developed posing ideas for the scanty outfit was answered pointedly: “I’m not telling you now, otherwise you’ll steal everything – like always.” So much for the question of whether men can also do bitching.

The prince with the swag must go

Jermaine was one of the best at the shoot. Rankin probably gave him the ultimate compliment by telling him: “You’re a model.” Fabienne stood out among the female applicants. The Solingen resident, who ran under the radar for a long time, has probably had the most astonishing development on the show. Rankin also praised her effusively: “Heidi raved to me about you. I had my doubts, but you really have it.” This time there was little praise for Kadidja, who appeared shy and inhibited in the pool. In the end she barely made it to the next round. Marvin, son of a Ghanaian king, was unable to progress. He couldn’t overcome his fear of nudity and was eliminated. Over the course of the season, everyone fell in love with the likeable prince from Bielefeld with his swag on the catwalk. In episode 15 he finally had to abdicate.


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