“Germany’s next Topmodel”: Her smile costs top favorite the victory

“Germany’s Next Topmodel”
Her smile costs top favorite the victory

Made the explosive decision: Heidi Klum and Kerstin Schneider

© ProSieben / Sven Doornkaat

It was supposed to be her big moment – but for the title favorite it turned into a disaster. In episode 16 of “Germany’s next Topmodel” (Thursdays, 8:15 p.m., ProSieben or at joyn) the most important shoot of the season was scheduled, the cover shoot for the magazine “Harper’s Bazaar.” But here, of all places, the top favorite did not perform to the expectations of Heidi Klum, 50, and editor-in-chief Kerstin Schneider, 57. She smiled too much – and had to return home. That was by no means the only surprise that Heidi announced: For the first time, a model duo is fighting for victory.

Kadidja with five jobs at the top

The models Kadidja, 21, and Jermaine, 20, have a lot in common. Both of them don’t just want to be at the top of the modeling business. At the same time, they had to endure terrible experiences of discrimination in Vienna and Kassel. But even that couldn’t stop them from making it big on “GNTM”. So far, they were among the favorites to win – not least because of the number of modeling jobs they were able to bag over the course of the season. Jermaine managed to get three lucrative jobs. Kadidja was even at the top of all models with five jobs. She wowed customers both on the catwalk and in advertising shoots and photo shoots. In addition to her looks and personality, her unbeatable smile was one of the strongest arguments for booking the Viennese woman.

Twins compete as a duo

The models were supposed to be “iconic, sexy and self-confident” in the cover shoot for “Harper’s Bazaar,” said editor-in-chief Kerstin Schneider. Everyone was aware of the significance of the shoot for their chances of winning “GNTM” and their future careers. Frieder, 24: “This is a photo that can change your life.” For the first time in its history, the fashion and lifestyle magazine is providing the “GNTM” winners with two covers: a women’s cover and, for the first time, a men’s cover. The models were as nervous as they were ambitious when they went to the shoot. Xenia, 24: “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.” When the twins Julian and Luka, 24, were photographed, Heidi surprised everyone with a confession and a rule change: “I’ve tried for far too long to separate you and position you as independent people. But you’re the eye-catchers as a double pack, that’s where the magic happens. That’s why I’ll be judging you as a team in the rest of the season.” Double chance or double risk? After all, a model double pack could win for the first time.

“He is a young god”

Under the eyes of the two judges, the models delivered in droves – at least that was the jury feedback on set. “All-round talent” Jermaine was particularly convincing, with his elegance and “mega body awareness” being particularly praised. The “super photogenic” Lea, 24, was also very well prepared and came up with some unusual poses. Armin, 27, once again received special praise from Heidi: “He is a young god.” Then it was Kadidja’s turn. Sometimes she posted something cooler, sometimes she snapped her best smile. “She is perfect for advertising because she has this radiant smile,” said Kerstin Schneider. And Heidi added: “You come across well in the pictures.” So there was no reason for Kadidja to doubt that she would progress…

“High five to myself!”

Career springboard or cliff into the end? The cold walk challenge, which was crucial in this episode, was not only a sleepless night for Lea. Heidi had a crane set up a glass catwalk over a one hundred meter deep abyss. Even though the models were secured with a rope, the catwalk wobbling in the wind was a real test of courage for some. Jermaine’s first impression: “When I saw the crane, I knew: my life could be over today.” In his punk outfit covered in studs, Linus, 25, was one of the best. Unmoved by the height, he posed “mega cool” on the edge of the abyss. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, said Xenia, Lea and Grace, who were plagued by a fear of heights – all in dizzyingly high heels. With their hearts racing, they jumped over their own shadows on the narrow runway. Xenia, relieved: “High five to myself!”

“This is not what ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ represents”

A real sensation was brewing in the deciding round of the episode. The two judges left no doubt that all the male models would make it to the next round. This meant that a female model would have to go. Lea was definitely through and received high praise: “You were the best prepared – a dream for every customer.” The Düsseldorf native is thus getting closer and closer to her dream of victory – especially since her toughest competitor was surprisingly eliminated. Kadidja did not get a photo of Heidi. “The good pictures of you were the ones where you were laughing,” explained Kerstin Schneider. “But that’s not what ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ represents,” said the editor-in-chief. Even Kadidja’s reference to her impressive casting successes this season could not save her. While the model with the most jobs was always considered the favorite for the title, the most successful candidate of the season so far was surprisingly eliminated. Shortly before the finale, the cards are being completely reshuffled.


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