Get rid of pimples overnight

Get rid of pimples overnight? That could actually work – with these expert tips.

If a pimple is on the way, we want to get rid of it before it can be seen properly. But how? Our colleagues from the online magazine Byrdie have asked dermatologists how we can fight them overnight. You should definitely write down these tips.

1. Products with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid (BHA) is a real Skincare hero: it penetrates deep into the pores and helps to rid it of excess sebum and dirt. According to dermatologist Dr. Ashley Magovern said it was great for treating pimples and preventing them. Products with salicylic acid are also anti-inflammatory and help relieve redness. Especially in combination with retinol, salicylic acid helps to improve the general complexion and reduce fine lines.

But be careful: Salicylic acid works optimally at a pH between 3 and 4. Not every product that contains BHA also exfoliates the skin. It is best to inform yourself beforehand about the product.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is probably one of the all-time favorites when it comes to pimples. Rightly! "Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that are known to help effectively against the two acne-causing bacteria Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis," explains Dr. Michele Green.

The tea tree oil can either be applied selectively to pimples or all over the face to protect the skin from impurities.

3. Mud masks

The good old mud mask is also a savior in need. According to Dr. Ashley Magovern works wonders by absorbing excess oil and fighting pimple-causing bacteria. She also recommends using a clearing serum and moisturizer afterwards to reduce redness and swelling caused by inflammation.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can not only help with sunburn – it is also perfectly suitable for pimples. According to Green, the natural ingredient is a godsend for all types of inflammation – including acne. Aloe vera is a perfect add-on for every anti-pimple routine.

5. Moisture

If we are already on the subject: Moisture is the be-all and end-all – especially for skin that tends to blemishes. This could help to balance the oil production of the skin while reducing the number of pimples. "Some patients tend to treat spots pimply, which can be great, but it is just as important to take care of the rest of the face to keep the skin barrier stable," explains Dr. Ashley Magovern.