Get up early: 9 tips for those who are grumpy in the morning

Get up early
9 tips for the morning grouch

© TippaPatt / Shutterstock

Who likes to get up in the morning? If you're not an early riser, we'll give you nine great tips on how you can get up early, even if you're grumpy in the morning.

Getting up early: what's in it for me anyway?

Basically: Getting up early cannot be equated with success! Even as a night owl, you can be productive and happy. But: Perhaps you are one of those people who always find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and who do not have the opportunity to sleep longer due to regular working hours? We want to help you so that you wake up quickly in the morning!

Get up early: 3 good reasons that speak for it!

Getting up early has several advantages! These include:

  • Less stress in the morning: Rushed to the bathroom, catching the train at the last minute and no time for breakfast? If this sounds familiar, it may be worth getting up earlier.
  • Time for you: As an early riser, you have the opportunity to take care of your hobbies before work. How often have you wanted to read more? Or finally go to sport regularly? The problem: After work, we often feel exhausted and drained and only make it to the couch. In the morning, however, our willpower is still completely available to us.
  • Work in peace: The world stands still early in the morning and you have significantly fewer distractions. Especially as a self-employed person a good time to work on your projects undisturbed. However, it can also be worthwhile to drive to your work an hour earlier.

Get up early: 9 tips to get out of bed better!

Is getting up early your new goal? No problem – these tips will help you!

1. Drink a lot

As a morning grouch, you probably need a coffee first to be halfway approachable. However, the first thing you should do after getting up is drink a large glass of water. You will immediately feel fresher and give your body energy against dehydration at night.

2. Position of the alarm clock

Put the alarm clock on the bedside table and quickly press the snooze button to doze off for a few more minutes – a morning ritual like this is your greatest enemy to start the day energetically! So that you are not even tempted to lie down again immediately, it is best to set the alarm clock in the other corner of the room. So you have to get up and your circulation gets going. Tip: To optimize your sleep, you can also set the sleep phase alarm clock. These examine the phases of sleep and calculate a good time to wake up.

3. Avoid darkness

Nowadays there are many light alarm clocks that naturally wake you up. Darkness signals to us that it is time to sleep. Brightness, on the other hand, gives us energy and combats tiredness. Alternatively, you can place your alarm clock near a light switch and always turn on the light first. And: Even without a light alarm clock, you should always wake you up with a pleasant alarm tone. When the alarm goes off and you hear the news of wars and accidents, you won't start the day euphorically.

4. Evening rituals before going to sleep

Fixed processes make it easier for the body to shut down. That is why evening rituals are useful. For example this:

  • No more smartphone or laptop in bed
  • Read or meditate
  • Think about the day and feel gratitude
  • Listen to relaxed music

By the way Rituals also help to wake up in the morning. For example, get into the habit of doing a few squats every morning to get your circulation going.

5. Forego the snooze function!

Speaking of the snooze button: In many guides you get the tip to set the alarm clock earlier so that you can press the snooze button on your smartphone again and doze off for a few minutes. However, this does not really make sense because it can also shift the sleep-wake rhythm. Better to set the alarm clock so that you have to get up straight away. This is the only way to really get going.

6. Always keep your sleep rhythm

Those who go to bed at the same time in the evening and get up at the same time in the morning should be on the safe side. It is best to always choose the same wake-up time so that the body gets used to the sleep rhythm. If that doesn't help and getting up in the morning becomes a disaster, there is only one thing to do: go to bed earlier. How much sleep you need varies greatly. Make a plan of when you want to get up in the morning and the minimum number of hours of sleep you need. For example, always go to bed at 10 p.m. and get up at 6 a.m. After a few days at the latest, your body will adapt to the times.

7. Enjoy a hearty breakfast

In the heat of the moment and because of the lack of time in the morning, many people skip breakfast. This is counterproductive for a relaxed wake up. To get the day off to a good start, we need energy, which we get from food. The organism also needs fluid, fat, proteins, vitamins and minerals to ensure cell renewal. In addition: If you skip breakfast, you promote the accumulation of fat reserves as a compensatory reaction of the body.

8. Time management is the be-all and end-all

Yes, you also need the right time management when it comes to sleep. It's best to get your clothes ready for the next day in the evening – and pack your bag. Then you can wake up the next day completely relaxed and take your time for breakfast. Practical extra: you don't have to worry about what to wear in the morning.

9. Fresh air, shower, favorite music

If you have trouble getting out of bed, it is best to stand by the open window with the first glass of water – and let the fresh air work its magic. If you are still not awake, the only thing that will help is the shower, which slowly and comfortably brings us down to earth. Last but not least: it's best to have your favorite music playing for breakfast, then the tasks ahead of you will look a little friendlier.

Reading tips: Meditation can help you get through the day more relaxed. An Osho meditation helps you to switch off from everyday life. With a Vipassana meditation you learn to get a grip on your thoughts. A break in the monastery can also help you to change your sleep rhythm.