Getting into this habit with your child from birth would play an important role in their cognitive development.

From birth, introducing a routine of songs and nursery rhymes can transform everyday life into a rich learning opportunity for your child. But how do these familiar melodies shape our little ones’ intelligence, memory and social skills?

The first years of a child’s life play a key role in cognitive, emotional and linguistic development. In this context, parents are constantly looking for effective and engaging ways to stimulate the development of their little ones. Among the powerful tools at their disposal, songs and nursery rhymes prove to be powerful allies.

These melodies, often perceived as simple amusements, are in reality essential vectors of development according to the Dr Claire Lewandowski In WhyDoctor. They promote the learning of sounds, memorization and language development, playing a fundamental role from the first months of life. Integrated into the daily routine, they set the stage for healthy intellectual and emotional growth.

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From 0 to 12 months: First musical contacts

Early interactions through songs introduce babies to language and communication. Singing for an infant during daily routines such as bathing or bedtime creates a healthy environmentrich in auditory and emotional stimuli.

By associating gestures with words, as in “ The little puppets »parents also encourage the development of motor coordination and short-term memory. These first songs, often repeated, serve as a basis for understanding the structure and rhythm of languagewhile strengthening the emotional bond through proximity and direct interaction.

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Between 1 and 3 years: Discovery and interaction

At this age, interaction takes on a new dimension with nursery rhymes which encourage action and active participation from the child. Songs like “Head, shoulders, knees, toes ” engage children in a fun way to identify and name the different parts of their body. This type of active learning is essential for the development of autonomy and motor skills.

The role of nursery rhymes also extends to enriching vocabulary and structuring thought. Children learn to anticipate the logical sequences of songs, complete sentences and play with sounds, which stimulates their memory and language skills . These practices supportt learning in a fun and engaging contextessential to maintain their interest and motivation to explore new concepts.

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Between 3 and 5 years old: Exploration and creativity

At the age of 3 to 5 years, children begin to master language in more complex ways and nursery rhymes become linguistic playgrounds that boost their creativity and understanding. Nursery rhymes like “Pippin” And “Three little cats” fascinate young minds and stimulate phonological awareness, encouraging them to play with sounds and word structures.

Encouraging children to make up their own lyrics to well-known melodies or participate in nursery rhyme-making games can also stimulate their imagination and critical thinking. At this age, the introduction of rhythm games, like marking each syllable by clapping your hands, not only helps to develop a sense of rhythm And motor coordination skillsbut also encourages children to think in an orderly manner.

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