Getting started with the OnePlus Concept: particularly brilliant cooling.

OnePlus presents a smartphone with a new cooling system that promises to be heavy for gamers.

A chill ” the level of a gaming PC ยป integrated into a simple smartphone? This is OnePlus’ promise at MWC 2023. The manufacturer is presenting its OnePlus 11 Concept there, a derivative of the OnePlus 11 equipped with a brand new cooling system for even more performance.

A light on the back for active cooling

From a distance, the phone takes up the design of the OnePlus 11 which has already convinced us during our test. We find in particular this rather imposing and circular photo module on the back, or the 6.7-inch screen on the front.

The back of the phone, on the other hand, betrays the great novelty of the phone integrated under the chassis. The use of transparent glass and a luminous back is immediately reminiscent of the Nothing Phone, but here the justification is quite different.

OnePlus announces, in fact, to have developed a new cooling system halfway between a passive system, without mechanism, and an active system, which usually requires ventilation. The transparent back shows the cooling system.

According to the brand, its system must make it possible to lower the temperature of the SoC by 2.1 degrees Celsius in game, and 1.6 degrees in load. It seems little, but it is not negligible on this kind of system. This temperature difference can help improve performance, stability and battery life.

To achieve this system, OnePlus claims to have developed several technologies and filed dozens of patents. Two elements seem particularly important: the Active CryoFlux fluid and a micropump. The principle is similar to that of watercooling on a PC. A liquid moves through a circuit from the contact point of the chip where it heats up to a distant part to cool. The circulation is done thanks to the micropump, which allows OnePlus to justify the term of active cooling despite the absence of ventilation.

Difficult to judge before being able to really test the product with games and benchmarks. During our hands-on, the smartphone was just as lukewarm as a regular device, but that’s obviously not how you can test what OnePlus presents here.

The brand has not given us any more information regarding the marketing of this smartphone whose name OnePlus Concept suggests that it will not be approaching anytime soon.

Our journalist Cassim Ketfi is in Barcelona to cover MWC 2023 in its entirety, but he is present there as part of a press trip organized by Qualcomm.

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