Ghost of Tsushima: 8 million sales for the game in feudal Japan

Considered the last big exclusivity of the PlayStation 4 before the release of its big sister, Ghost of Tsushima has won over many players, and he even had the right last August to a version Director’s Cut on PS4 and PlayStation 5, with graphics improvements and an expansion to the island ofIki.

And we have to believe that this new edition has given a boost to sales, because Sucker Punch Productions announces this week that Ghost of Tsushima has sold over eight million copies, on PS4 and PS5. The studio obviously thanks all the players and shares a little .GIF festive of Jin dancing with his friends. As a reminder, the title had five million sales in November 2020.

IF you haven’t yet fallen for Ghost of Tsushima, it is sold in edition Director’s Cut at € 60.48 on Amazon.

Also read: TEST Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut: the PS5 lights up and flatters the game of Sucker Punch

Writer – Tester

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