Ghosting: 4 reasons why people suddenly stop contacting you

ghosting phenomenon
4 reasons why people cut off contact abruptly

Ghosting is a 21st century dating phenomenon.


Nobody likes to be a victim of “ghosting” even after a few promising dates – and yet many people secretly break contact this way. What’s behind it? Often the cause is one of these four reasons.

Ghosting, or the wordless breaking of contact, is one of the biggest dating phenomena of the 21st century: from one day to the next, messages are suddenly no longer answered and calls are not answered. It’s almost as if the person with whom friendship or even passion had just started has turned into – yes – a ghost. In today’s digital society, this occurs every day and affects both women and men.

For these possible reasons we are ghosted

The sudden cessation of contact is not exactly pleasant for the victim. The reasons for such an abrupt loss of contact can be very different and usually go deep into relationship psychology. In the video we show four reasons why someone might suddenly ghost you.

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