Ghostwire: Tokyo Gets Mysterious, Frantic Pre-Launch Trailer

Apart from a few surprises, the State of Play this evening also highlighted several already known projects, including Ghostwire: Tokyo. No wonder, its release being imminent. After an interesting presentation of gameplay in February, we are therefore entitled to a classic so-called “pre-launch” trailer, which leads us to believe that another trailer of the genre could make its appearance by March 25.

The fight against the mysterious Hannya is obviously always at the center of the debates, whereas this entity wishes to harvest the millions of human souls of Tokyo. Between the visual atmosphere of the Japanese capital, the folkloric creatures thatAkito and KK will have to face and the theme punctuating the video well, the excitement rises and makes you want to discover the whole controller in hand.

ParkerWilhelm, Content Manager at the house of Bethesda Softworksshared some details given by Kenji Kimura on the PlayStation-Blog.

In the space of an instant, nearly the entire population of Tokyo has evaporated, and creatures straight out of mythology, folklore, and urban legends are now taking over the streets of the metropolis. Players take on the role of Akito, a survivor of the disappearance, and must team up with the spirit of a detective named KK to unravel the mystery of this devastating phenomenon and track down the person responsible, a masked man known as Hannya.

Want to know more about the sublime haunted Tokyo of Ghostwire? Take a look at our interview with Tango Gameworks Director Kenji Kimura and get a sneak peek into the gameplay.

The Masked Man

Very little is known about Hannya and his motives, but his characteristic Noh mask speaks volumes about this elusive individual. “We were inspired by the Noh masks used in traditional Japanese theater,” Kimura explains. “The actor wears [un masque] when playing a non-human character, such as an oni or a ghost. When worn in a dark theater, it can suggest various expressions depending on where the viewer is […], such as joy, anger, sorrow or pleasure. »

” [Le] body language [d’Hannya] shows he’s doing something important, and it’s hard to tell if the mask is expressing anger or sadness,” Kimura says. “The same goes for Akito and KK. Goethe’s Faust has us [également] served as inspiration to depict how a person manifesting supernatural powers […] overcomes obstacles that stand in the way of their beliefs, aspirations and desires. »

Much like the expression on her mask, Hannya’s true intentions only become clear from her vantage point, and Akito and KK will have to band together to foil her plans and save Tokyo.

Waiting to be able to play Ghostwire: Tokyo on PS5 and PC, you can experience the visual novel Preamble available on the Playstation Store and theEpic Games Store. The Fnac offers it for pre-order at €64.99 with 10 € offered on your loyalty account.

Read also: PREVIEW Ghostwire: Tokyo, Towards the Unknown and Beyond

Alexandre SAMSON (Omega Law)
Responsible Corrector – Editor
Addicted to Assassin’s Creed and Destiny, great fan of RPGs and passionate about video game experiences in general. Reader of comics (DC) and various manga (One Piece!). Chemist by training and Whovian at heart.
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