Gironde: the clan war at the town hall of Ambès leads to new elections

For the opposition of the municipal council of Ambès, “a lie from the mayor” was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Ambes Town Hall

Elected in 2020 with a single vote in advance, the outgoing mayor of Ambès, Kevin Subrenat, was defeated by the resignation of part of his majority, followed by that of the opposition. A vacancy that legally calls for new municipal elections.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

In the small village of Ambès, a Gironde commune of 3167 souls, the political chessboard has just waltzed. Vulnerable since the split in his majority in July, completed by the resignation of the five elected members of the various left opposition group on January 18, the unlabeled mayor of Ambès, Kevin Subrenat, is throwing in the towel after eight years in office. 8 of the 23 city council seats are empty. A one-third vacancy that legally forces new elections. They will be organized within three months, confirms the prefecture of Gironde.

They played their political game, they only have that in mind instead of thinking about the territory“, tackles the former city councilor, three days after his capitulation. Re-elected by one vote in 2020, Kevin Subrenat faced opposition that he describes as “nauseatingsince the start of his second term. He announced his refusal to run again in a video posted to Facebook on Monday. “I have invested a lot in the hope that Ambès will change his philosophy, I have a feeling of accomplishment, it is healthy to hand over“, justifies to the Figaro the 39-year-old city councilor, father of three children. The resigners, themselves, invoke a completely different story.

Implosion at the town hall of Ambès

Maintaining a relationship since 2014 that they both admit “difficult and conflicting“, the mayor and his first deputy, Jean-Pierre Mazzon, sealed their differences in July. The breaking point crystallized around the sale of agricultural land belonging to the wife of his deputy, who is also in charge of town planning. Kevin Subrenat accuses his former right-hand man of having immorally taken advantage of his mandate to contract this sale and decides to present a motion to the municipal council to thank him (that the opposition abstained from voting, editor’s note).

According to information collected by Le Figaro, the owner of the property is also summoned to the town hall by the city councilor. He is told not to sell it to buyers.which he did not like because he maintained that they were traveling people“. Said property is never pre-empted.

In the village, information is quickly on everyone’s lips. In both camps, women and children are painfully taken to task. And the split is done. On the one hand, the clan of Kevin Subrenat and his 4e assistant, Sandrine Villenave. On the other, that of Jean-Pierre Mazzon, 67, Ambesien since 1955. At the town hall, the situation becomes so deleterious that the city councilor decides in September to bring in a third of the neighboring department in the person of Hervé Bayard , elected in Mont-de-Marsan (Landes). In vain, the worm is in the fruit.

The opposition is doing well

Hervé Bayard gave us great moral lessons“, indignant Réjane Liagre, one of the elected officials who resigned on December 14 to join Jean-Pierre Mazzon. The lawyer from the Bordeaux bar, who represents herself on the list led by the former first deputy, warns about the personality of the mayor whom she describes as “a liar and manipulator, who can’t stand being upset“. Contacted by Le FigaroHervé Bayard, municipal councilor in Mont-de-Marsan, for his part refused to answer us.

Opposite, the various left opposition claims to have discovered its dissensions in July and claims to have “thought a lotbefore pulling out of the game. For them, the Post office file is the straw that broke the camel’s back. “The mayor brazenly lied to us“, accuses Gilbert Dodogaray, who accuses him of having agreed to present and vote for a motion to oppose its closure in September 2022, while he had been negotiating since February of the same year the establishment of a vending machine. tickets (DAB) if the service is not maintained. “I agreed to put it on the agenda hoping for a turnaround, I did not choose this departure, I would have been delighted if the Post Office remained in Ambès“retorts Kevin Subrenat, defending himself from any duplicity.

Municipal councilor since 1989, three times first deputy and in the opposition since 2014, Gilbert Dodogaray intends to win in the next municipal elections. At 72, he believes his political stunt was the only solution. “We couldn’t go on like this until 2026“, supports the retiree.

SEE ALSO – Pensions: Do you approve of mayors closing their town halls?

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