“Glued to the runways”: Climate activists paralyze Munich Airport

“Stuck on the runways”
Climate activists paralyze Munich airport

Just in time for the start of the Bavarian Whitsun holidays, climate protection activists are protesting again on the grounds of Munich Airport. Members of the so-called last generation are stuck on the runways. The airport has to be closed for security reasons.

Climate protection activists shut down Munich Airport early Saturday morning. The activists had gotten into the inner area of ​​the airport premises. “The airport is closed for security reasons because climate activists have stuck themselves on the runways,” said an airport spokesman. It is still unclear how many activists are on site. An employee of the German Press Agency was able to observe at least two people sitting on the runways. Numerous police forces were on site.

According to their own statements, members of the so-called last generation had planned to get onto the airport premises in order to block at least one of the two runways. They wanted to disrupt the beginning of travel at the start of the Whitsun holidays.

According to their own statements, the protesters hoisted a banner that read: “The problem is the government – not our vacation.” Another banner in the style of a yellow town exit sign shows the crossed-out term “Flight Shame” and above it the goal: “Government Plan”. According to a press release from “Last Generation,” the protest in Munich is “part of a series of actions in places of injustice.” It goes on to say: “These actions take place directly where global warming is being fueled.” In the past, the group had carried out similar actions at several German airports.

As the airport spokesman explained, only planned landings in Munich from 5 a.m. were initially affected because take-offs were only allowed to take place from 6 a.m. The incoming planes were initially diverted to other airports.

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