GOOD DEAL on a free adventure game and a bunch of titles on sale

Good Old Gamesnow known as GOG.comat 15. Yes, time flies, the platform has made a reputation by first offering old games compatible with recent operating systems, but now includes a bunch of recent titles, and still without DRM since he started.

For a few days, therefore organizes anniversary sales, with a bunch of games at reduced prices, but inevitably, the platform takes advantage of the event to offer a title. It’s The Night of the Rabbit, an adventure game point & clickthat is to recover for free on the platform before September 253:00 p.m. As for the discounted games, there are many, more than 900, but here is a selection:

Finally, is adding new games to its catalog, and they are already on sale. The titles of Quantic Dreamto know Heavy Rain And Beyond: Two Souls are already displayed at -50%, while Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered is on sale at -69%.

All offers for the 15th anniversary of GOG.comwhich concern more than 900 titles up to – 90%, are to be found here until October 2midnight.

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Editor – Tester

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