Good deal – The Nothing Phone smartphone (1) Black “4 stars” at €449.99

New players on the smartphone scene are rare. Faced with brands that are already well established and in a highly competitive environment, Nothing delivers a very balanced terminal with its Phone (1).

It must be recognized that behind a communication made of hype, the Phone (1) is a very good mid-range smartphone, which has almost nothing to envy to the competition. In the same way as with its Ear (1), Nothing hits hard on the segment in which it comes to settle. The adage “everything comes at the right time to those who know how to wait” seems perfectly appropriate here, proof that the new company knows how to take its time so as not to disappoint. rivals, he knows how to offer a different experience, from theunboxing on first use. It is clear that it will not revolutionize the mobile landscape, but claims to be a good Android smartphone. And that’s all we ask of him.

Strong points

  • Original and truly different design.
  • Good Oled panel.
  • Excellent performance.
  • Good day photo component.
  • Glyphs on the back (even if it’s a bit gimmicky…).
  • Wireless and reverse charging.

Weak points

  • Night photos not up to par.
  • Fast charging not so fast.


The Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G is overall a great success. It successfully takes what works for the Galaxy S family and opts for a long-requested Qualcomm Snapdragon SoC in Europe. Samsung has a smartphone capable of competing with many references on the market.

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