good news, CAF payments start on August 1st

The back-to-school allowance, which benefits nearly three million families, will be paid from 1 August for certain beneficiaries. The others will have to wait two more weeks. Explanations.

This is a much-awaited aid every year. The back-to-school allowance (ARS) allows low-income households to pay for part of their children’s school supplies. Award subject to means testing, the ARS benefits approximately 3 million families, i.e. nearly 5 million children aged 6 to 18.

Good news, this aid is increased by 5.6% compared to that paid in the summer of 2022. It now amounts to 398.09 euros for children aged 6 to 10, 420.05 euros for children aged 11 to 14, and 434.61 euros for adolescents aged 15 to 18.

A payment on August 16 in mainland France

And the first payments will be made on August 1st. Families residing in La Runion and Mayotte will benefit the most quickly, since the start of the school year takes place on August 17 and 23 respectively in these areas. Elsewhere in Overseas, but also in mainland France, it will be necessary to wait two more weeks. The payment will be initiated by the family allowance funds on August 16.

The back-to-school allowance is paid under certain conditions. Households whose resources do not exceed the ceilings below are eligible for this aid paid automatically by your family allowance fund.

How to benefit from the ARS

Number of children

Resource cap

A child

25775 euros

two children

31723 euros

three children

37671 euros

four children

43619 euros

Per additional child

+ 5948 euros

When the family’s resources slightly exceed the ceiling, it then benefits from a reduced rate back-to-school allowance, decreasing according to its income, specifies the Minister of Solidarity.

QUIZ. Do you know the amount of these social benefits to which you may be entitled?

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