good news for fans of the series!


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In the middle of filming its season 7, the Netflix series, Outlander announces great news to its fans!

Outlander fans in heaven! This drama series that manages to mix brilliantly romance, adventure, history and science fiction has charmed Netflix subscribers. Its success is such that the series will be entitled to a seventh season, the shooting of which has already begun. Although fans are getting impatient, the new season is not about to arrive! Indeed, it will be necessary to wait a few more months before finding the Fraser family on our small screens. But Netflix is ​​still planning a diffusion before the start of 2023.

In the meantime, the streaming giant has unveiled some images of its new season on social networks. What did not fail to react the biggest fans of Outlander. They unveil a new season which promises to be full of action and twists. While waiting to finally be able to discover the rest of the series worn by Sam Heughan, Caitriona Balfe and Sophie Skelton, the production had good news announced to fans of the show. If you’re one of them, then hang in there… you will really like what we are going to tell you.

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Outlander (Netflix): a spin-off on the way!

The universe of the Outlander series, could only manifest itself in the series which is available on Netflix. Which is a bit of a shame for fans of the literary saga who would like to see more of it on their screens. The good news is that with the end of the series approaching, Starz is thinking about how to keep the Outlander spirit alive. And what could be better than a spin-off around one of its main characters to do so in due form. So it’s official, the Outlander series will be entitled to its spin-off which will also serve of prequel. Titled Outlander: Blood of My Blood, this new series tells the love story that gave birth to the character of Jamie Fraser. Maril Davis and Ronald D. Moore return to their jobs producing this new program. Matthew B. Roberts, for his part, landed the role of screenwriter. As a reminder, he is also the showrunner of the 7th season of Outlander (Netflix). A news that should reassure the fans. The chain announced in a press release that it was “​​delighted to turn new pages in this vibrant story to offer our audience the story that started it all”. In France, you can watchr Outlander on Netflix and on Starzplay, Molotov or Prime Video. But chances are the spin-off will be a StarzPlay exclusive. Case to follow!

Emna Gui

People, TV, society culture… Emna likes to vary the subjects and talk about a bit of everything. She loves to write and takes great pleasure in keeping you up to date with the latest…

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