good news in 2024 for the new amount of Aspa, the minimum old age

The solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa), which guarantees a minimum level of resources for elderly people with low incomes or who have not contributed enough to have a pension, will increase on January 1, 2024.

Good news for people receiving a small pension or not having enough contributions to receive one. Since January 1, 2024, the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa), also known as the minimum old age, has been increased by 5.3%. She passes for a single person from 961.08 euros 1012.02 euros per month and from 1492.08 euros 1571.20 euros per month for 2 people.

An allowance subject to conditions

As a reminder, the solidarity allowance for elderly people (Aspa) is a monthly benefit granted to withdrawals with low resources (income and assets) and living in France. It is paid by your pension fund (Carsat: Retirement and occupational health insurance fund, MSA, etc.).

The site reminds you that the amount allocated to you is equal to the difference between the maximum amount per month of Aspa (1012.02 euros) and the amount of your income per month. For example, if you receive 800 euros of income per month, the amount of your Aspa will be 212.02 euros per month (1012.02-800).

To benefit from it, the beneficiary must have at least 65 years old, reside in France for at least nine months a year, and meet a certain level of resources. In 2023, the latter should be less than 11,533.02 euros per year for a single person and 17,905.06 euros for a couple.

Retirement: the 4 dates when the payment of your basic pension will be postponed until 2024

If you think you are entitled to benefit from Aspa, you must contact your pension fund. If you are not entitled to receive a retirement pension, you must complete this form (also available from your town hall), then return it to your town hall.

source site-96